
Monday, August 3, 2015

No Use...

It's no use trying to make this right. It's just another set-up to yank it all away again. In order to get a job a job or even do some work I need my van fixed, insurance, my license reinstated, etc. That means a windshield, wing window, brakes and soon tires on the front. I'm still without a place to shower. I need clothes washed. Whatever I do I'll have to have Xz with me. If I wanted to ride my bike I'd need my trailer fixed to haul him. As for a job, I won't be able too get one with a felony plus my age. And I still need to get to the doctor to have this tumor removed. Not to mention my hip that needs a new liner. Then my body needs to heal and just how do I get good and gas every day? I've still got anger bubbling out over that liar and the crap she's pulled. As for working at a retirement home ever again that will never happen. The Live Scan would prevent me from even going there to apply. And this is what I'd right. That she can manipulate the system like she has and not get caught is a farce. Never have I seen so much wrong and been devastated by it. I worked my ass off to get to where I had hope again and she fucked it all off for me. And I do blame her. She is in the wrong and should be punished. I don't forgive her. I never will. I will hate her forever. She is foul. Dirty rotten foul.

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