
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Going Through Old Emails...

I went through my email accounts and cleaned up some junk in them and came across a lot of stuff sent to me by a certain individual and it's amazing what you notice in hindsight. The timing of things, the dates, the attitude, the changed attitude, the sweet dialogue in one with concern and things like, "your popcorn is on the back table." And the flip out accusations about dope and the bible and not knowing her. And mix that with the days she'd call me and say, "why didn't you tell me?" and stuff like that referring to when the child molester's wife told me what he was doing and how sweet she sounded on the phone all concerned. And then shooting an email accusing me of sending her 76 emails. When the fact was she was following me on Google+ and got an email every time I posted anything, which was her choice because when I found she was doing that I reminded her from my circles. At which I received a request for being in my circles so I sent an email asking what she thought she was doing. And after I denied the inclusion in my circles it was the very next day she followed me and had me arrested. That's the kind off fucked up shit she pulls and the DA was stupid enough to fall for it all. And my Public Defender was more interested in being a DA do I got no representation at all. And with this now fucking me over for the rest of my life nobody can see why I'm bitter? There is no justice in this country if it can't fix this and it should be looking at her and the laws she broke - all far more serious than anything I did or was accused of doing - and if upholding the law is really the top priority for them and not just the record off convictions they can boast about when it comes time to get a raise our promotion then why don't they get things done. Because they don't want to do anything that might require then to actually work and gather evidence. Even though most all of it is in my records and what isn't can be gotten from the T-Mobil phone records of hers. Including much of the communication between us since for a year she had my phone on her account. That was a way she would use to control and punish me. Turn it off for no reason and when she wanted something she would turn it on. Turn it off and kick me out off the car in Seattle. And the time I got a phone and it wasn't under her control she first got the phone and re set it but didn't save the account info so it wouldn't work and after I got it fixed she stole the phone. I tracked the phone on line and guess where it was at?

I also found the emails from Google letting me know my account was hacked and my screen name was changed to Tricky Dicky or something close to that. And it happened again the end off last year. And how many of those 76 emails were sent when it was hacked? Close to that time were emails and text and IM's apologizing for weird stuff and I'm guessing it could have been her guilty conscience causing her to send them. Well she seems to have her conscience subdued because what she has done the past 6 months is fast worse and should cause her grief if she really does have a conscience.

And I really don't believe she had stopped drinking. Just went back to hiding it real good. She used to brag about how nobody could tell when she was drinking and how she hid bottles all over the house and yard and in the car and on and on. Besides, she still goes to Kings Liquor an awful lot, for cigs would be an excuse, even though she had supposedly stopped smoking, too. Besides that, the child molester used to drop a bag off quite often that she'd claim were clothes for the kids. Always the kids as an excuse. Like serving lunch at a church she doesn't go to with a guy who wouldn't know how to serve lunch to himself. Just too many holes in all of her excuses and a track record of lies and, being a party to one off her bigger ones, they get ready to spot. And I'm the monster while she's just the innocent victim off someone she just wanted to help. Please! And blaming her daughter for doing something to me that caused it all when she was a victim too... Typical sociopath.

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