
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I am so mad now I dont care about anything

I had reached a wonderful point in my healing over th we aounds left by the r otten codd enforcement bastards tha5 stole my future from me. And then along comes the cunt of the year officef lawerence I believe was her name. Now im so ducking pissed I cant say what I will do with any certainty. she rolls up on my moforhome last thursday and has it towed. Yes I needed to getthd registrTion paid up and gst it movedto a new location. All under way. But she comes off with the attitude that could only earn her the dubious honors of CUNT OF ALL CUNTS my apologies to all women everywhere for my out burst and use of the c word Even officer L. But all that effort just got tossed out b3cause of attitude. Mine and hers. I reacted in the wrong. Yes I did. I should hav3 handl3r 7t alldiff3rent hut I didnt. I let h34 attitude dictate min3 and it cost me 5 days in jail and untold ammounts of money I fdontbhave. She hauled mebto jail and I was stuck there for fivebrotten days. My bad. Real stupid of me. Yes I ag r ee. Ajd that is my ajger out of control. Im stuck in a bigger hole now and I dont have it left in me to try harder. Im spent. I really have nothi b g to try for. My life is whst I made of it and it eont get much better because I dont have it in me to try any mm ore. There is not b enough left in mge now. I give up.nthe onlhy thijg I care about is mhy vengancevfor what I know was wrongfully done to me. The code enforcement ass holes who were only doing their job. Likte hell.mthey were bastards. They ran over me and got away with it. Ill be happy if I know they get fucked over and nowbthats the b3st I can hooe for
 Sorry to let those who believed in me down. But I. Dont care tongetbup b and make anyoneproud of dontneed to. I have to live with
Jmyself. Me and only me. Sobto hell b with anyone else. Im done trying. Ivwill just do what Ineed to get through today. If I do maybe I will try tomorrow. Maybe not. If im lucky ill get hit by a pla MN e that crashes or space debris whatever. What fu c king ever. Doesnt mean shit anyway. And ivwill hope some day the opportunity comes my way to shit in the face of the code nazis. Yes munoz and chamberlainthey should have never gotten b away b withtheir lies. They did and  I just wantbthem b to suffer. Ibonly hope I get the chance to inflict a little pain. Let it eat me up. Let it destroy me. It already has. So fuck all you piles of shit. It b aint how you fall or how you get up. Nonenof that. Itsvthe damage you get to spread while yoyr still b alive. Because too many cause too much damage so its better to spread it far and wide. Share the fucking misery. Include everyone. Fjuck you all fuck you very much. Fucknyou fuck tyou fuck you fuck you fuck you