
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

And You Say To Just Forget It..

It's the reason it can't be forgotten. I have to put up with the same lame harassment all the time. Everywhere I go. I hate the lying evil bitch and the hypocrisy she displays. And her 2 faced ways. If the fucking idiots took a look at her record and noticed how many times she's done this same little act. 2 years ago for revenge on her "husband" for him claiming she assaulted by threatening with knowledge. I don't even give a duck anymore but if they stayed way the Fuck away from me I wouldn't have to think about it. Go out and fight crime and take risks with the violent criminals. Unless that's too scary for them. They might get hurt. Wouldn't that be a shame? I don't even have sympathy for them. They are a sign of the decay off the American way of life. They are the epitome of end of freedom. Just like a woman who abused the system and therefore bare false witness and all the while claims to have "found God and is following Jesus". If that were so she would have fallen off the cliff because Jesus ran the demons over the edge and destroyed them. Like the Pied Piper sending the vermin to their death. Like over said all along, why try when it's all set up to stop me. I don't need anymore disappoint-ment. Just like now, why would she pull through 7 11. More set ups? Not the new found Christian in all of her self righteous indignation. I never... I can count on one hand all the times she told me the truth. With multiple spare fingers. What a joke. And, yes, I'm bitter and will be for a long time. Probably longer than I have years left to live. Someone said they don't understand hatred our extreme anger. Because you haven't merry the right woman. Our is that the wrong woman. For sure it ain't no lady...

So fuck all of you. You all get s an equal amount of hatred thrown your way. Because you rubber stamp her bull shit and perpetuate her lies. Because none of you will call her on it and point out that she was the one off the hook doing things she claims she doesn't even remember doing. But she remembers do much that didn't even happen. Isn't that special. Praise the Lord and pass the puke bag.

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