
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Voodoo Poopoo...

August 31, 2013

Adios August...

Just minutes left of August and 2.5 days until the hearing with the Code Enforcement Gestapo. I know its gonna be all bad but I will be there and say my piece. I am quite sure I'll end up angry and making a scene but at least I'll get to say what I want to say and they better damned well listen. Just wasting my time but I must go and stand up for my rights, which were seriously trampled upon. I can truly say that have strong feelings of hatred toward Code Enforcement. Nothing they do is good and I know they don't give a shit about what was done to me. That's obvious as all hell. Screw them all. I think I'll learn the art of voodoo doll making and use eight-penny nails dipped in dog shit and battery acid. Yep, that's my plan...

Summer ends...

August 31, 2013

Labor Day...

The end of August. Labor Day weekend. Alas, the end of summer is upon us. And when this 3 day weekend draws to an end I can look forward to Tuesday morning and the Code Enforcement hearing. Now that's a big fucking farce! A hearing with a commissioner employed by the same people who write the citation for my motor home being parked on MY property. I think I know how this will turn out. But they don't...

I'm going to this bull shit hearing with a different attitude than when I had the last hearing that ended with that ignorant bitch deciding my house should be torn down. But this time they are going to hear a lot more from me and they better damned well listen. It won't change the out come. Nothing will. That is already determined and the hearing is just a joke they sit through to justify their grossly over paid positions.

I was just remembering what Code Enforcement officer Kevin Shriver said the other day. That one of the calls they had gotten was from the school complaining about my RV. Well tthat is a joke. First, I thought all those calls were anonymous? So why would he throw the school under the bus, so to speak? And since I already pointed out that the jerk that bought the house across the street was the one who called and he couldn't deny it then he throws the school in to make it look like a whole bunch of complaints were flooding the Code Enforcement office. Anyway, what about the Constitutional thing about having the right to face ones accuser in court? Can't wait for the answer to that.

I'm thinking pretty much all of the Code Enforcement hearing process is sub-legal since the "judge" isn't impartial by any means and I should have the right to a jury of my peers deciding the case. Then there's the outrageous fines they throw at you. $1,300 for my RV parked on MY property. An RV that wouldn't be parked there if they didn't tear the house down. Everything that was done was done to me. It was a personal attack on me. Just like the citation they gave Julie for letting me park the motor home in her driveway. Anybody who helps me gets penalized. Why aren't they bothering any other motor home in the neighborhood? The one straight down the street on Berkshire that I can see as I write this. The one on Morse and Maison a block away. The 3 on Jonas. And the one that was parked in the driveway on this street for 2 years with the slide out slid out and a cord plugged in to the house. Obviously some one was living in it but they never did a thing even after I said something about it. It was there until the people moved. Selective enforcement of the law. Nothing but a big pile of crap. That's Code Enforcement.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

"...of the people for the people by the people..."

August 28, 2013

A Change To Come...

I have to get my RV moved tonight and it really makes me feel anger that I'm in my own yard on property I have lived on for over 50 years and because of a few worthless Code Enforcement bastards that screwed me over and tore my house down I get run all over wasting time and energy as well as gasoline. These code Nazis broke laws and lied through their teeth and eventually tore my house down after a fake asbestos test that required a $15,000 hazardous clean up which was done by a company that at least 2 of the code people had an interest in and actively supported and promoted them for work. My life was destroyed by these bastards and I want something done about it. I'm tired of excuses and justifications. I'm tired of working my ass off to get something done and just to survive each day. Something needs to go my way for once. All I see is a system that takes from me and keeps on taking. and taking. Its time for the system to give. Its time it worked in my favor for a change.

Autonomous arrogance...

August 28, 2013

What A Farce...

There is something terribly wrong with a government agency that can cite some one then when it goes to court it's a "judge" that is a commissioner chosen and paid by this agency and you have no jury to hear the facts. And every case gets decided by the in-house commissioner who already decided the case before she got to the hearing and has even been briefed by the agency on each case. I'm talking about the Sacramento County Code Enforcement and I'd bet that a review of the results of all the cases tried in this court not one ended with a decision favorable to the home owner. Check it out and you'll find I'm correct. And add to this is the fact that the fines are way out of line for any "crimes" or infractions committed. There should be more scrutiny of Code Enforcement. When some one has a beef about how they handled a case there should be a commission with people independent of that department to investigate complaints and return a report to the complainant. I just know they get away with way too much and they should be held accountable.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How High?

August 26, 2013

Can't You Smell That Smell? The Smell of it Surrounds You...

Oh, isn't it so fun for me now? I'm running 100mph trying top get the property all nice and clean and spiffy so Code Enforcement will get off my ass and go away. For months now they were staying away and things were getting done and I was getting more work and starting to climb out of this hole I was shoved into. Then the Bozo across the street comes in and starts calling Code Enforcement and it all went to hell in a hand basket.

The yard is clean now. And I spent most of the day at DMV taking care of the RV registration and transfer of title. I need to get the smog test done and return it to DMV with $360 along with the certificate. It's close to the end of that part.

And about that Bozo across the way, it doesn't appear that he pulled any permits for all that major renovation taking place at 1345 Keeney Way. And I know that he had a bunch of the asbestos tiles loaded in the dumpster that showed up a week or so ago and was only in the driveway from Friday to Monday morning when it was hauled off. And he didn't even single bag the tiles let alone double or triple them. All the worry about hazardous materials and they can't notice it when it's right under their noses. See, I told you you can't use a sniffer to detect it!!!

Yes, something definitely stinks and I'm thinking its the stench of kick-backs and conflict of business interest stepping in their ill-gotten gains at mine and the public's expense. Tearing the house down was only profitable for the ones who took part in the phony hearings and performed the unnecessary jobs via the contracts. And that worthless "Commissioner" judge who alrteady had decided the case and just went through the motions for appearance's sake. That's an agency that is based on the idea that they don't have to ne right because their going to  shake you down after they bleed you dry. So start jumping through  their hoops and keep jumping, and jumping, and jumping some more...

Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26, 3013

Already It's Monday

Wow! The weekend's gone and Monday is upon me already... Go, go, go all weekend working trying too get everything together to head for the DMV by 8:00am. And it's possible it won't be until Tuesday before I'll have enough cash to take care of it. And then I have to live under the code enforcement cloud. That they can, at any time, fuck me over again just as bad as the first time. And if they wouldn't have screwed me over the first time there wouldn't be a problem this time. Is it too much to ask to just be left alone while I dig out of this pit they put me in? Just stay the hell away from me. All I'm doing is trying to survive, which is the predicament they foisted upon me. Screw them and their bull shit. AQnd I'm not supposed to think about what they did to me because that was before. But what happened before has resulted in what happens to me now. It can't be separated. Now is a direct result of before,

Thursday, August 22, 2013

DMV or Bust...

August 22, 2013

Claim Form...

I received the link for the Sacramento County claim Form that I need to fill out and take to the County building down town. I'll do just that and hopefully be able to get it filed early next week. Things just take so long to get done when your dealing with the county. On the other hand when they come down on you they expect everything gets done right now.

I think I have earned enough cash to take to the DMV tomorrow to get this beast of a motor home registered. The smog will have to get done later because I haven't had time to fix the exhaust manifold studs or change the spark plugs. I look forward to getting the old 454 Chevy motor running perfect.

I'm pressed for time but I won't let the county make me jump through hoops any more because it ends up taking more time to get what I know needs to get done and they seem to like to derail. I jumped through their hoops for 16 months and ended up with my house torn down. As John Minor used to say, "They can suck a fart!"

Well its time to watch some Hulu and get ready for tomorrow. DMV, here I come!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Here comes Tuesday...

August 20, 2013

Just Like Monday...

It was one of those Monday type of Monday yesterday. My meeting with Sgt. Reali got postponed until tomorrow morning. Or tomorrow, anyway...

I've got a few more hours of work painting the furniture at Jerry's. I've used nearly 60 cans of paint so far. That's a lot of spraying. Then I have to get the RV tuned up to smog. I have all the parts I should need and it shouldn't take but a couple or three hours to complete.

I'm to pooped to write anymore so Its time to crash. Here goes me and here comes Tuesday...

Monday, August 19, 2013

Fresh Start...

August 19, 2013

The Week Begins...

I am trying to be positive about my meeting today with Sgt. Reali. At the same time I'm avoiding building it up into something it's not going to be. He tells me he may have an answer for my issues with code enforcement and that could be anything... not likely what I may hope for it to be which would be an admission by code enforcement that they were wrong and they are going to restore my house to the condition it was in when they tore it down. Not likely and surely not possible! But it will be something.

I changed my oil in the RV and see that I have a broken exhaust manifold stud that is allowing the do-nut to leak - it's a Chevy and that's what Chevys do. It's always a pain getting the broken stud out but I have to do it or it won't pass smog testing. So I'll fix it tomorrow so I can smog it and  get it registered on Wednesday. I found my vacuum gauge so I can tune the good old Quadrajet in and the spark plugs changed, check the distributor cap and hope the plug wires are good. I need to check all the vacuum lines and make sure there aren't any leaks or improper connections, I got the tail/brake lights functioning and found the brake master cylinder. It should pass smog without any problems but it's always a mystery till it happens.

It would be so nice if I could afford to take a short vacation in it and see how dependable it is. Xzy and I could just go off on a road trip and just wander around for a bit. Been a long time since I did one of those exploring trips. They were always great fun in my vans. Of course I'd need a sorce for tunes in this thing. Gotta have music on the drive.

I'm going to cut this off and get some rest so I can be fresh for tomorrow...

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Naught Not Knot

August 18, 2013

Waste Not Wad Naught...

I miss the times when I could write just for the pleasure of writing. Instead most of my writing has been to release my anger and try to bring attention to the foul acts that I have been victimized by. I would really like it if all the tension were eliminated and all the obstacles removed for me to find a peaceful existence with some security for once. But I can't even let my mind wander there because it will detract from what I need to stay focused on. It sucks. Oh well...

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Bozo Marries Barney Fife...

August 17, 2013

A Personal Vendetta...

I long to go back just a few years I would hope things would turn out different from the way things ended up being. That October night in 2010 when it got so cold that I decided to light the fire in the fire place that quickly went bad and resulted in my house catching on fire. That was the event that changed my life, my future, forever. Things were tough then. I had lost my job at the restaurant when it went bankrupt. The economy was still in a downward spiral and the housing bubble had reduced the value of my home from over a quarter of a million dollars down to about $100,000 but at least I had a roof over my head. The job market was weak and my age was becoming a problem but I was sure to find something - anything - soon. The fire just brought me to my knees yet I still had a positive outlook and knew I would just have to double my efforts to recover from this devastating disaster. Little did I know that Sacramento County Code Enforcement was going to be my greatest enemy.

I immediately rose to the challenge and acquired a dumpster with the help of Bishop Ibey of the LDS church. And there were a lot of concerned people on the neighborhood who pitched in to assist in the removal of the debris. I was really making progress and had salvaged a lot of important things from the rubble and cleaned and boxed those items for transfer to a storage facility when I was able to save enough up to go rent one. Then along comes the Laurel and Hardy team from code enforcement: Barry Chamberlain and Paul Munoz. Complaining about the mess in the front yard between the front door and the dumpster in the driveway! I couldn't believe it. Were they serious? They had "complaints" about the mess. Did it occur to them to maybe tell these idiots there would likely be a mess for a while because the clean up after a fire may take some time? Or maybe suggest to these morons that maybe they might come on over and pitch in some help? Or maybe just hang up on them? I'm still amazed that such stupidity poured from their mouths that I'm sure someone helped them tie their shoes that day and the same person was so hoping they would return home with a gold star on their forehead. Instead they should have received the proverbial dunce cap and a strap across their back sides. Instead, I couldn't help but blowing up and telling them to get the fuck off my property and leave me alone. I was very busy and totally worn out from weeks of this clean up and the carting of over 12 tons of debris out of the house.

And that's when Munoz spouts off that he was going to come back and tear my house down! Munoz, the husband of his supervisor who "has a business that can take care of the hazardous clean up" even though there was no need for a hazardous clean up. That's why I know they did what they did as a personal vendetta! From all the harassment to the arresting me for living in my own house to the fake asbestos test to the tearing down of my house. A house their own county engineer said, "it needs a new roof!" and in no way needed to have the foundation or any of the walls removed. Barry "The Fairy" and no balls Paul need to be torn down but I think they ran off to get a same sex marriage now that that has come back from the dead pile.

Friday, August 16, 2013

August 16, 2013

A No-Nazi Weekend...

Well, it's Friday and that means no code Nazis will be coming by. They don't do weekends. I got the money for my smog test, insurance and registration so it's only a few days from all legal. And Monday Sgt. Reali will be meeting with me to discuss the issues with my property. So maybe life will get a bit more positive and a lot less stressful. We'll see...

Enough for now. I think I'm going to watch a little Hulu and clear my mind of all the crap that got loaded the past week.
August 15,2013

Wipe Your Own Ass...

At least I have a little hope restored as I just heard from Lee and he'll be by in the morning to pay me the rest of the money for the walk-in tub. So its insurance and smog check followed by a trip to the DMV so everything will be registered and legal. That will make life a lot less of a stress test. And with Sgt. Reali coming by Monday to talk about working out a solution to the situation here there is now a modicum of hope that something will actually happen favorable to me for once. Its been way too long of time since I've seen any glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel I had really started to feel like I was doomed to a disastrous future. In my entire life I have never had that feeling until my house was torn down. My house was my security, my hope, my retirement, my life! And I felt helpless when code enforcement ran over me after wearing me down for 16 months of their bull shit. Something really needs to get changed in that agency. They are free to do what they want and nobody puts them in check. Almost as bad as the IRS. This experience has driven home the need for "less" government. No agency should have the power they do and the anonymous accuser thing should definitely be eliminated. If your gonna accuse someone of something then have the guts to own up to it. Too many times the accuser is trying to draw attention to a speck in someone's eye when he's got a plank planted in his own. You have a problem with someone then go to that person to work it out. Don't make faceless calls to Nazi government agencies. Too many busy bodies trying to dictate how to live when they don't know how to live. Worry about wiping your own ass and keep your nose out of everyone else s.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

August 15, 2013

Can't Believe Anybody...

I can't believe what a flake my "friend" Lee has turned into. I sold him the walk-in whirlpool bathtub for his mom for a real low price of $900 and in 3 payments even though I really needed it all at once for motor home registration, snog test and my driver's license. He was going to be by last Sunday to pay the last $400, which I desperately needed for registration. It has to be done NOW! And he has flaked on me every day to the point he won't even answer my phone calls. What is with that? I couldn't have stressed more that it was vital to get it registered immediately. But now he's in hiding. If there was one person I was sure I could rely on it was Lee. And when it matters the most he turns full fledged flake. I give up. You can't believe any one any more. So sad and oh so true...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August 14, 2013

Email To One Of The Only Good People I've Found...

I know this isn't going to please anybody but I just pulled my RV out of Julie's driveway and back across the street into MY yard. They put pressure on her for helping me by citing her. And I won't cause her any problems. She has been my biggest help and support the past 2 years and I won't be the cause of her getting cited. Its all on me now and at this point I don't fucking care. This ass hole speculator who bought the house across the street caused this. Everything was coming together fine until he calls code enforcement and everyone jumps at his command. They sure jump when money calls but what about when a victim calls? A fire victim who became the victim of 2 ass hole code Nazis and a wife with a big conflict of interest. And nobody cares about the crimes committed by them but they manufacture crimes by me. Telling new neighbors my meth lab blew up and caused my house to burn. Claiming there is asbestos and using a sniffer to test. Well I just watched the guy across the street pull asbestos tiles out of that house and throw them in a dumpster that was only there Friday, Saturday and Sunday and gone real quick Monday morning. And why did they work on a weekend for the first time in 5 weeks there. They sure were trying to hide something. Where's code enforcement and there sniffer now. I'm tired of them selectively targeting me and anyone who helps me. Kevin Shriver calls the pile of top soil in my yard and illegal dump yet there are multiple piles in the front of an abandoned house on Morse Avenue that have been there for weeks. They're in front of one of the houses Jerry at Ace Plumbing owns but even though many more people are able to see it than mine it just happens that mine is illegal. I've had it with the selective application and interpretation of the law. Its not right and there is no denying it. I'm stuck fighting stupid battles for survival when I should be getting ready for retirement. I worked my ass off for a lot of years and had things pretty well planned out for my later years. The fire really messed me up but the worst was what code enforcement did to me. It really was. First Chamberlain and Munoz come at me with the we're here to help you and then blind side me by planning to tear my house down even after the engineer they brought out told them it needed a new roof. It eats me up inside and I won't let it go. I can't let it go. I was wronged and they just laugh it off. And Kevin proved how little he cared when he shrugged it off the other day and then tells me he is citing Julie. What a weak little man he is. And telling me I'm scary. I said only to those with a guilty conscience. I think there are a lot of those around here. I only know I see nothing scary here. Sad and pathetic, yes. But nothing scary...
August 14, 2013

Strength or Callousness?

Some days are better than others. Yesterday was a bad one. When ever you have code enforcement interaction its a bad one. Particularly when the code enforcement Nazi refuses to admit they were wrong in any way, shape or form. Refusing to believe that the lot was supposed to be graded level and wasn't by the contractor they hired and they signed off on. Blaming the contractor they unnecessarily brought in to board up an already boarded up house for tossing my belongings and mother's ashes on the floor. They are responsible for the actions of the contractors. Especially when they brought them in without my knowledge or consent. They cut the lock on the chain link gate - breaking and entering - didn't notify me in any way and then allowed my things to be trashed - malicious mischievousness,  mayhem, personal vindictiveness! And then claiming an illegal dump for the pile of top soil I have to level out the lot. But what about the much larger and more numerous piles of dirt around the corner on Morse Avenue? Its an abandoned house but its owned by some one with money and political clout. I know because he's a friend of mine and I do work for him. I don't want code enforcement to mess with him - just leave me alone unless your going to apply the law equally. The dirt on my property is seen by far fewer people and isn't really noticeable. Morse is a busy thoroughfare and the piles are huge. Still, its not something that should concern anyone. Not even code idiots! But it proves that they are attacking me personally. Like telling my new neighbors that my meth lab blew up and that's why my house burned down. Some one needs to kick the shit out of them. They do nothing but lie. They are just looking for ways to earn revenue. Too little oversight and improper due process. Like excessive taxes and tolls in the ancient world. They're vultures with no class. Swoop in when someone is down and keep beating on them until they take everything. But sometimes the old adage that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger comes into play. If it doesn't make you stronger it makes you more callous and callous is hard to kill! One of these days my callous old hands are going to wrap around their soft little neck and we'll see what comes after - strength or a funeral!!! Last I hear a lack of oxygen doesn't make anything too strong.
August 14, 2013

Garbage Cops Need To Be Stopped!

This thing with code enforcement has risen – or sunk – to a greater mark. After the visit today and the harassment over the motor home – which was moved – and the bull shit about the top soil on the property I can see that it will take something drastic to get the attention of the higher ups in county government to take notice and do something about what I have proven to be wrong doing on code enforcements part. I’ve tried writing the county supervisor, Susan Peters. There’s no political benefit for her so we can guess how much she cares. I’ve tried to get the attention of the press but they aren’t what they used to be. Unless some one gets murdered or raped or robbed at gun point its not going to be sensational enough for their time and effort. I’ve emailed a dozen attorneys but they don’t see 7 figures so why would they intentionally piss off the county they work in. That would just make their life harder. Maybe if I bought a bottle of aspirin and a slingshot and told the press there were drugs and weapons involved they might raise an eyebrow. I guess when code enforcement lied to the new neighbors, Dave and Mandy, that my meth lab blew up and that’s why my house burned down it wasn’t enough of a drug connection.

And to have code officer Shriver blame the contractors today for tossing my belongings on the floor along with my mom’s ashes was such a cop out. If that were so code enforcement is still responsible for their actions. And I complained to code enforcement time and time again and sent them a letter stating this yet no response. Its obvious to me that my complaints are justified yet they continue to ignore me. And I don’t care if some of those complaints were personnel related and could have been dealt with internally. That does not satisfy me in the least. I deserve to be told if something was done and I deserve to be compensated. I am the victim here and I get made out to be a fucking criminal. Not to mention the stupid fucking code enforcement decision to tear the house down. I don’t care what anyone says to the contrary IT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN TORN DOWN! And I’m now to the point where I will get attention one way or another. I don’t want to be a martyr for this idiotic cause but if all else fails and I’m pushed to that point then so be it. I would rather be dead than to live knowing what was done to me and knowing not a fucking thing was done about it. And good old Shit for Brains Shriver proved nothing was today.

Somehow I’m going to get this resolved and these piss ant code Nazis are going to get called on their bull shit. Their fucking garbage cops! That’s all. Garbage cops. They’ve over stepped their bounds and exceeded their authority. They have too little over sight and there is a great lack of due process which is a violation of the Constitution of the United States of America. Not to mention they’ve denied me my “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness,” the basic premise of the Constitution as stated in its preamble. Doesn’t anyone pay attention to what they were taught in school? It sure isn’t applied in the world we live in. I’m madder than hell and I demand my rights be recognized and my complaints be taken seriously and addressed accordingly. This country has turned to dog shit lately and I’m fed up with it. Something needs to happen real soon because if it doesn’t then there’s no reason to be a patriotic American who recognizes the need to obey the laws and strive to live a better life. Look what that has gotten for me…

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

August 13, 2013

Code Enforcement Nazis...

I had code enforcement at my door today and giving me a ticket for my motor home and stuff still on my property! I need a good lawyer and I need it fast...

All they had to do was leave me alone and the house would have been rebuilt by now. But they tore it down. All they had to do is leave me alone and I would have had the motor home smogged and registered as well as insured and I could get away from these parasites for a while. But they just keep attacking and putting me farther and farther away from reaching my goals.

I see they are like the SS in Nazi Germany. They do what they want and have little oversight and the whole thing is lacking in due process. Right or wrong they cause unnecessary expenses and unneeded  hassles. We definitely need less government when government is just about revenue...

I've had it with this crap and won't be surprised when I join the post office! Better to blow up than to fade away, my my, hey hey............

Saturday, August 10, 2013

August 10, 2013

Supervisor Peters Not...

You would think a year is ample time for Sacramento County Supervisor Susan Peters to do something about the illegal and foul actions that Code Officers Barry Chamberlain and Paul Munoz along with their supervisor Cecelia Perez are guilty of committing. But I should have known what kind of politician she was by her past actions and decisions. I am really not one of her constituents anymore having lost my house. She'd rather invest her efforts into a more media grabbing cause like revitalizing Fulton Ave. or Auburn Blvd. Aiding me wouldn't enhance her image only tarnish it and weaken her power on the Board of Supervisors.

So I need to come up with a media grabber by Monday morning so that I can gain the public's attention and hopefully turn things ny way for a change. Like a guns and drugs raid or shots fired or officer down or maybe Jimmy Hoffa's body found. A real headliner! It will have to be a real Nuklear powered event! It's truly do or die time or die doin'...

Friday, August 9, 2013

August 9, 2013

The following is a copy of the email I sent to the Sacramento Bee a few minutes ago...

Hello! Sacramento Bee...take notice...

I've lived in Sacramento for 58 years - over 50 of those years I lived at 1400 Keeney Way in the Arden Manor neighborhood. In October of 2010 I had a fire in my house and it was badly damaged and I lost a lot of my belongings and family memorabilia, my family history! After the fire I went through hell dealing with a pair of out of control code enforcement officers - Barry Chamberlain and Paul Munoz. In March of 2012 they succeeded in tearing my house down when what it needed was a new roof! Go to one of my web sites and read what I've written, look at the photos and watch the video. There were a lot of things done over 2 years that were wrong - way wrong! - including tossing all of the belongings I had salvaged from the fire on the floor of my living room along with my mother's ashes! The last act alone is, by itself, the most disgusting thing that could ever happen to a person. That alone should warrant your attention. I think it's time the media came to me and heard the entire story. Talk to the neighbors that live by me. Hear the lies that code enforcement told as they slandered me. Find out the facts and help me get these criminals put in jail where they belong. Did you know that Paul Munoz's wife is his supervisor at code enforcement and that she - Cecilia Perez I believe - has a business interest in a company that does hazardous clean up and that to my surprise my house was found to contain asbestos only a few weeks before it was to be torn down and that her company got the contract to do the clean up? Isn't that called conflict of interest? A $15,000 clean up that wasn't justified. And wasn't executed very well either as there are "contaminated" materials from the house that were buried in the back yard not hauled away in a sealed container as the contract called for? I've been ripped off and robbed of my home, made to live like a homeless bum and fucked over way too long and its time some body listened and did something about it. I contacted Susan Peters but that bitch won't get off her fat ass to do anything that might cost the county. There used to be a newspaper in Sacramento that gave a damned about the wrong done to people. The Sacramento Bee. Why haven't they taken notice of this crap? Monday code enforcement is coming to kick me off of my property where I am living in a motor home with my dog and doing work in the neighborhood for my former neighbors including Jerry Greenburg, the owner of Ace Plumbing, who has been a big help to me the last couple of years. Talk to these people and they will tell you how foul code enforcement has been to me. But come Monday things might change. I'm tired of getting fucked over by the code enforcement Nazis. It might be time for me to put up a fight for what is mine. It might get ugly but then you'd have a reason to show up and a story for the paper. I'd rather this matter got the attention it deserves in a less dramatic fashion. Please check it out. Start with what I've posted on line:

Thursday, August 8, 2013

August 8, 2013

Gotta Get Radical!

I guess it's come to the point where I have to do something extreme to get this situation noticed and get some action out of the powers that be to investigate the Sacramento County Code Enforcement Nazis that tore my house down, trashed my belongings and tossed my mother's ashes on the floor. They were wrong, wrong, wrong and I'm the one being made out to be some common criminal! They need to be stopped and the entire government agency needs to be looked at very closely and all of their actions put under a microscope and the "hazardous materials" eliminated! They get away with these abuses of power and nobody does a thing to correct them. And the press has become such a farce they refuse to believe - or don't give a shit! - that such behavior is taking place. The press has always been the overseer of government wrongdoing but they all just go with the flow now. No wonder people quit subscribing to the news papers. All they have become is a place to get advertisements and the weather forecast - usually inaccurate, I might cynically point out! If Watergate were to happen today the press would be the "plumbers" and Nixon would be god!

I want Barry Chamberlain, Paul Munoz and Celia Perez and the rest of the crooked code enforcement bastards tarred and feathered and then stoned and sent to the dungeon. After that maybe I'll find it in my heart to forgive them their transgressions.....but I doubt it! I'd rather see them sent to prison with a child molester jacket! And no PC for them. Smack dab in the middle of the general population! That would make a nice movie of the week.

Well, come Monday I need to set up a real attention getter that will bring the media to my door step with cameras rolling. I guess we'll see. Could get interesting. I could get shot but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do!!!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

August 4, 2013

They Just Don't Give Up!

Code Enforcement just doesn't give up! They came out last week and cited me for my motor home. The reason was that the house across the street was sold recently and the idiot that bought it is going to flip it to make money. He doesn't give a shit about the neighborhood. He just wants to make some quick cash. He's going to learn about why he shouldn't be calling the county on me... He will learn...

As far as it goes the fucking county owes me money and should refrain from causing me problems! The tore my house down that I could have sold right now for $70 - $80,000. That would be enough for me to pay the back taxes, clear up the liens and have close to $50,000 left to start over with. I want to hurt those code Nazi bastards! Barry Chamberlain, Paul Munoz and Cecilia Perez. Those are the 3 main criminals who should be tossed in jail and fired from their jobs. Total piles of shit...

September 3, 2013 is the date of the hearing and I plan on going "Nuklear" that day and getting something to shake loose from the tree. I look forward to it! It's gonna be fun...