
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I Thought By Now...

You Would Come To Your Senses...

September 24, 2014

For sure by now I thought you would have come ro your senses and at least talked to me and told me the truth. I was sure you had to have cared just a little bit about me. Now I figure I was wrong again. For you to decide that you never, ever want to see me again or talk to me or communicate in any way tells me there is something way wrong with you right now. You can't spend an entire year with someone and then suddenly want them to disappear forever. The person who you kept tabs on 24/7. Wanted them to park so you could see them at all times. Checked every call or text on their phone. Used a listening device to see if anyone was with them. And now youn hate them. Rather odd I'd say. Rather completely crazy I should say. How do you explain it? How do you understand it? It makes me want to scream...

And I remember how we were so bonded and in sync that where ever I went, where ever I was you would always show up and make things alright. Always. You would go off and then come to your senses and come find me. But you don't even look now. You avoid and mislead. You have gone against all you claimed important. And your fine with the fact that we will never even talk again for the rest of our lives. That  is so sad and makes me wonder what happened to the soul mate who believed God had a hand in our paths merging. Yeah, sleep with those angels. And bless the morning each time it grows light...

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