
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Liar on fire!!!

September 3, 2013

I Told You So...

It went about like I thought. I got there a little late - Bradshaw and Keifer is a bit of a ride on the old mountain bike especially when you add a trailer with bad tires and a 65lb. dog riding along. Got in around 15-minutes late and the receptionist told me to have a seat and some one would come out and get me. 30-minutes later the door opened and they were ending the hearing. But they called me in when they saw I was there and re-opened it. I know it was only a token thing then. The case had been discussed and they had already decided the thing. And what it will come down to is that I have to leave my motor home off my property and I have to leave it off. If its back on then they can tow it and impound it for 7-days. The next time it doubles. And so on and so forth...

Well whoop-de-do! Well the only reason I wanted to go to a hearing was to get the information I got. The hearing packet prepared by Code Enforcement. And I see a faked number of documents and others that have helpful info on them.

And what about Code Enforcement? They got real busy when 1345 Keeney called them up. Why? $$$$ They - Kevin Shriver and company, were aware that I have been on the property since last November. But it went into critical stage when the jerk called them and made an issue out of it. None of the other calls he claimed were made were in fact made. So he faked them. Along with meaningless e-mails because they aren't authenticated. And none of them sounded like a complaint. Not one of them says anything but state my motor home is at the property. So fucking what? Where's the complaint? No body says what it is that's wrong with that. If they had a problem they would say, "That motor home is making my home value decline", or "I think there are Arab terrorists hiding in the RV." So it earns old bald head Kevin on the liar list. Tell one lie and everything that leaves your mouth is a lie. The 2-face thing. Because I remember when Kevin was out here last November and he was biting at the bit and wanting to write tickets and raise hell. It really pissed him off when the RV started right up. And he knew I moved it back after he gave Julie a citation for being on her property.

That's enough of this bull shit for now. He's a little punk and I knew it all along. The doors aren't sound proof... I must go show that actions are more effective than worthless words....................................

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