
Sunday, September 15, 2013

I keep asking...

September 15, 2013

How To Fix It...

I can see now why the bastards at Code Enforcement get away with what they do. It’s because nobody has the balls to challenge them. I have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that what they did was illegal, immoral, shady, and fraught with conflict of interest, unnecessary, ludicrous and just plain stupid. What they did was rob me of my future security. And I want justice served. I want the foul bastards punished. I want their future taken from them. I want vengeance. And if this system has devolved to the point it won’t take care of it then I will find a way to get it done. Read from that what you may…

If the system is broken so bad that it co-signs these kind of things then I think the power needs to be put back in the people’s hands to meet out justice. The state is so wrought with corruption and pandering to special interests that there is no longer any “of the people, by the people, for the people” here today. It’s of the few people with the power of the money to do what ever they want. There is no fighting the system within the system. It has wrapped itself with shields and covered with red tape that makes it impossible to get at the corruption and eliminate it. The only remedy is to bypass the bureaucracy and go directly to the cause of the problem and destroy it. It’s a cancer that slowly eats away at the entire system and renders it useless. The strength of the system is not a strength that benefits the people. It only protects a few of its own. It hides its faults and hurts the ones it was intended to protect. It will never fix itself because that would alter the power structure in favor of the people and not the system. This system gives more service to those who abuse it than to those who are abused by it.

It would require a person with a modicum of power to step outside that box and see the abuse and want to step back in and do something to change it. But nobody is willing to risk the security given them by the shield of inequality to help someone who has been devoured by the greed protected within. It just doesn't happen. So its better to help feed the fire that will engulf this evil system because of its own corrupt behavior. It is better to abuse the system which will thus be weakened by this action. How stupid is that?

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