
Friday, September 27, 2013

Get your license to be...

September 26, 2013

Wet and Wild...

It's only minutes to Friday and miles to somewhere but there's a deep hole in my wallet that devours my cash. Without cash this RV could make it nowhere with the gas in my tank so I'll go nowhere, since I'm already there, and hope that someday I'll be lucky enough to go somewhere - ANYWHERE! - that's not here. Ya hear me?

I sure would like to get some kind of letter from the county stating that they received my claim form and are going to notify me when or if it gets rubber stamped. I would also like to contact the County Assessor's office and see what they are willing to do so I could get my property back under my name and then start planning the house I will erect on it. It would have been relatively easy if it wasn't for the extortionate fees Code Enforcement has levied to the property. It wouldn't be this way if the county required Code Enforcement officers to take an IQ test and score a positive numerical rating! Just because Munoz and Chamberlain had identical -64 scores doesn't mean the two negatives make a positive with an aggregate 128 grade...

The house across the street was recently bought by an investment company and they immediately put a for rent sign up and didn't even completely clean it up! Last Sunday the dork in the Volkswagen showed up at 6:45am and started messing around and did touch up on the peeling paint and stuff. But, my God, you would think they would paint the entire house inside and out so they would attract a more desirable tenant. It sure appears that this investment company is just a slum lord who will rent to anyone or anything they can get. And showing up at 6:45am and making a bunch of racket doesn't show me they give a rat's ass about the neighbors. Maybe the rat drives a Volkswagen - like the pig driving a Rabbit (VW) in the commercial...

Maybe Code Enforcement should be going to 1401 Keeney and doing a little snooping. And I thought all rentals had to be inspected by the county before they rent the property out? Funny how the county can come up with all these laws and regulations but they hire idiots to enforce them. Again, IQ tests should be given. They make students take tests to graduate from school.

Everything about the system indicates the rapid and prevalent decline of Western civilization. America may not become a Third World country but second rate seems to be the norm. And this crap about giving illegal emigrants drivers licenses is another flipping sign of idiotocracy at work. They worry more about non-citizens rights than they do about legal, law-abiding citizen's rights. The government never cared much about the native Indian's rights when they were stealing their land and forcing them onto reservations. Swimming the Rio Grande must be an entitlement test! Go swim across the Nile and try to get your camel jockey license...

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