
Friday, August 16, 2013

August 15,2013

Wipe Your Own Ass...

At least I have a little hope restored as I just heard from Lee and he'll be by in the morning to pay me the rest of the money for the walk-in tub. So its insurance and smog check followed by a trip to the DMV so everything will be registered and legal. That will make life a lot less of a stress test. And with Sgt. Reali coming by Monday to talk about working out a solution to the situation here there is now a modicum of hope that something will actually happen favorable to me for once. Its been way too long of time since I've seen any glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel I had really started to feel like I was doomed to a disastrous future. In my entire life I have never had that feeling until my house was torn down. My house was my security, my hope, my retirement, my life! And I felt helpless when code enforcement ran over me after wearing me down for 16 months of their bull shit. Something really needs to get changed in that agency. They are free to do what they want and nobody puts them in check. Almost as bad as the IRS. This experience has driven home the need for "less" government. No agency should have the power they do and the anonymous accuser thing should definitely be eliminated. If your gonna accuse someone of something then have the guts to own up to it. Too many times the accuser is trying to draw attention to a speck in someone's eye when he's got a plank planted in his own. You have a problem with someone then go to that person to work it out. Don't make faceless calls to Nazi government agencies. Too many busy bodies trying to dictate how to live when they don't know how to live. Worry about wiping your own ass and keep your nose out of everyone else s.

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