
Sunday, March 29, 2015

As I look around...

As I am out on the streets and have contact with the homeless youngsters out wandering aimlessly I wonder what they hope their lives will become. Most of them are smoking crystal and dumpster diving all night and have no ambition top get a job or go to school. And I wonder what they think their future will be like. Do they ever see themselves living in a house or apartment? They can't be satisfied living like they do but they aren't doing anything to improve their situation. They are just existing from day to day. I know how difficult it's been for me trying to get a job and find a place to live. I was able to stay on my property for a couple of years and that was fine to a point, at least with the motor home to live in. And of out wasn't for some bitch and her evil games I had a job that I could have earned enough to pay rent and I'd found a room to rent in the neighborhood that would let me have Xz.  I had worked hard to get the job and things were looking up top start the New Year off. Until she did a number on me and had me arrested. She is the one who should be locked up. Elder abuse, exposing a minor to her immoral behavior, fucking a child molester, committing perjury on court papers to get a restraining order. All serious matters. And I'm guilty of what? Getting upset with her evil ways. Sending her emails. Wow! Dangerous stuff...

And it was her who got physically violent more than one time. And she will never admit it. Except if you look at her criminal history you see she has a past full of violence. I know I never attacked her or stabbed her or hit her with a mop handle. The fact that she so easily lies about those things shows what kind of person she is. Not a very good one. I'm sure she came out to California to escape her past behavior. And on arrival she got a DUI right out of the gate. She really had me g fooled that she was a respectable human being but I see now I was wrong. Way wrong...

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