
Friday, April 3, 2015

You can't be that cold...

How can you be that cold hearted? It was you who seduced me. It was you who kept telling me that I made you happy. I was the only thing that made you happy in your life. It was you who texted me constantly, called, IM'd, asked me to go to Seattle, Oregon, drive you to the air port, pick you up from the air port,  drive your husband to his s appointments, take your grandson to school and pick him up, to and from football practice, play ball with, build a fort with him, watch movies with him, do whatever. You drew me near. Closer and closer. So close it was like we were one. Then suddenly you went off the deep end and hatred me. Hatred me so much that you destroyed what little I had rebuilt of my life. Caused me to loose my new job. Loose the place I lived. Go to jail twice for 30 days each time. Conspired with a freak molester and even started fucking him just to turn me against you. What kind of nut are you? That's sick. It's demented. It's so gross as to be unbelievable. But it's true. And you know it's do bad you could never admit it to anyone. If your father were still alive could you tell him the whole truth about what you've done? I know it's do bad I have a hard time telling anyone the whole truth about it. I'm embarrassed for you. I don't want anyone to think I was with someone capable of doing those things. It makes you look like a worthless slut. A sleazy low life. Scum. And my heart is still holding on. For what reason I don't know. A sane person would turn and run. It would see how hopeless it all is. But my emotions tell ne otherwise. My Heart still holds onto a glimmer of hope. And my head just wants closure. It wants the chance to talk to you about it. To hear you tell me otherwise on the worst parts of it all. To hear you tell me it was real for you at times. That you did feel the way you said u you did. That it all wasn't a lie. That you were sorry and things will get better someday. That you were working a program to stop your drinking and drug abuse. That you realize what a degenerate piece of shit Kevin is and you have blocked him for good. That your were really listening to God and getting closer to Him. That you know you did wrong and you would made it right. But as I remember how you handled many things I doubt you'll make the effort to do what is right now. You'll just turn your back on the wreckage and run from the scene. It's your MO and likely to be how it ends. You just don't care what damage you've done to those who truly cared about you.

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