Oh Boy! Finally got my mail. An unemployment notice that I hadn't worked enough in the last year do my weekly benefits are $0.00. And bills from the county for thousands of dollars for the wonderful privilege of going to jail BECAUSE OF A FUCKING LYING, 2-FACED BITCH WHO SHOULD BE IN JAIL INSTEAD. A CUNT WHO CAN'T ADMIT WHAT SHE DID AND NEEDS A LOT OF KARMA TO GET HER AND YANK HER OFF THAT PEDESTAL SHE CLIMBED UP ON.
Then there's the check from Public Storage got $11 for the amount they got for the unit and what was owed. $11 for everything I owned including my mom's ashes and my family history. Every picture I had left. Every fucking thing that had any sentimental value. Many shoes. First lock of hair. Report cards. Letters. Everything! I made out like a bandit. Wow!
Every day it just gets drilled in deeper what a fucking piece of shit liar can do. WHAT A CUNT! I hate her so much more today. If love to see the train jump the tracks and run over her car. I pray for that kind of luck to bless her.
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