
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Some Days End Better Than Others...

After all the crappy days I've had lately this one went a little smoother and ended on a better note than has been the norm lately. It wasn't a terribly productive day but I didn't sink further into the big deep one. No, throughout the day I was blessed with a few people showing they cared. It helped to stay the nighttime on a positive note. Knowing there are people who really care what happens to you helps a lot. Enough to soften the pain inflicted by the person who tried to convince you they cared and yet caused the greatest pain by actions that definitely proved otherwise. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day still to end the week and ease into the weekend. I just want an end to this nightmare and a chance to reach a point where I can just relax and not have to worry about sinking in deep. A chance to enjoy something in life and not find it all insurmountable obstacles. I guess if it happens it happens. Something happens all the time...

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