
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Called An Attorney Today...

I called an attorney today and low and behold there is an answer to this. Kinda like the OJ Simpson thing: Civil Court! There is a different set of laws governing civil suits in that it doesn't matter whether one is innocent or guilty. You just have to prove what is being done is vindictive and you only have to prove it with a preponderance of evidence, not beyond a shadow of doubt. And, apparently just my emails, IM'S, texts, etc. do just that. Not to mention the time she hacked my account and changed my screen name, which is a federal offense, and I even have an admission of her doing it in my IM's along with her apology. Oh boy! A civil suit would be ideal. And with homeowners insurance the pockets are deep enough to make it worthwhile for the attorney to handle it on contingency. Maybe there is a God and not the hypocrite someone seems to have found. Of course then it gets down to being all about money. But isn't that all everything gets down to anymore? Sad but true...

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