Time To Take Back Our Rights...
I've seen this system at work real closely over the last few years and what I've seen is that those in charge don't give a rat's ass about our rights. I've seen Code Enforcement twist things around and violate so many laws they should be doing life sentences at the very least. And I've tried to get some disciplinary actions taken only to see them do the very same things over and over. There is something very wrong with this picture and it isn't just the focus. The camera needs to do a 180 and get close ups of the photographers...
The county commissioner, Susan Peters, is a lazy do nothing joke. She needs to get off her fat ass and investigate the things I've told her about. Never mind her little breakfast meetings at all the posh spots where she can look important and everyone applauds her. There's no applause down here on the street where lives are lived. I don't care who runs against her in the next election but that person gets my vote and support. I don't care if I have to go stand at the poles and physically block those that plan on voting for her I will do just that. And the Code Enforcement division needs a serious overhaul and some independent oversight of their functions needs to be put in place. The Garbage Cops need to be reeled back in.
Once upon a time the press were the overseers of our government but from what I've seen lately they just rubber stamp all they do and spend their time watching baseball games and trying to sound knowledgeable and insightful. Whoopee! No wonder the newspapers are going belly up. Should have been sooner than this for all they're worth...
Television news has never been worth a damned and they still aren't. Hey, if it ain't broke - and they do have plenty of money! - why fix it. Let them play the pretty people game and try to out make-up the other ones. What do you mean when you say I'm cynical?
A good example of what I'm bitching about is Code Nazi Kevin "Shrivel Dick" Shriver and how he sent Julie a citation just because she was helping me. And he even stated that in front of 2 sheriff officers the day he did it. Where's the disciplinary action there? A write up plus a week off without pay? Plus a fine of $600, he same it was going t cost Julie. But that won't hapen and he knows it. Why do ou think he does it over and over again? Because he can...
And the bastards that tossed my belongings and my mother's ashes on the floor. The Code Enforcement officers should have been fired. The contractor that they claim did it should have been banned from ever getting a county contract. And they should have had to pay back the money they were paid for the job and been forced to compensate me for my loss.
And the bitch who faked the asbestos test should have been fired. And arrested for what she did. And been forced to pay restitution for my losses from that. I'm sure that is coming soon.
All of these things and a lot more should have happened by now. But guess what? NOTHING HAPPENED! No wonder they do what they do. Because they get away with it...
Ive said fr some time now tat Sacramento County has one of the worst and most corrupt governments that can be found and now I know I have the proof of that as shown by their actions. It's not right.
So since they continue on and commit these crimes at will maybe it's time to fight fire with fire. Pay back's a mother fucker and I can think of a few people who will agree with that statement in the not so distant future...
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