Flying Birds
April 4, 2013
What does it take to
gain an ear of someone who can shed light on a situation that should never have
been and was created by a government agency that seems able to do whatever they
want in any way they want regardless of law, moral obligation or common sense?
Why is it so difficult to draw attention to an act that obviously was not done
to benefit the parties involved on either side so therefore must have been to
benefit someone or some group that should not have benefited or even possibly
benefitted unless there was a conflict of interest. And when trying to get this
situation rectified through normal channels it just gets ignored, excused as
just the way it is or given lip service and placated with token gestures.
It seems universally
accepted that Sacramento County Code Enforcement does some very brazen actions
in their duty as “garbage cops” even by the sheriff that accompanies them on
their Nazi SS-style raids. And there seems very little, if any, oversight of their
actions or tactics. And any judging done in their “hearings” is by a
commissioner in their employment. They come out to “investigate” because of
some anonymous call they claim to have gotten. They charge exorbitant fees
whether or not there is anything wrong. They make decisions on remedies that
are usually unnecessary. And hire subcontractors at ridiculous prices for their
solutions and the subcontractors hire questionable employees who do
sub-standard work. And they create bigger “messes” at homeowner’s expense and
nobody seems to give a damn.
I, for one, know all
too well this is so because I am a victim of these jerks. And I have the proof
if someone would listen and do something about it. They went to Iraq looking
for weapons of mass destruction and didn’t find any yet they waged a very
expensive decade long war. The mass destruction is carried out by Code
Enforcement and they and their employees are getting rich destroying houses,
lives and futures. Yet nobody lifts a finger. Well I’m lifting one; The middle
one on my right hand and pointing it at them and anyone who ignores this. You
better wake up. Orwell’s world is here and I’d rather die fighting it then
living in it. It’s time someone did something…
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