
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Where's the EPA?...

September 10, 2013

Hazardous Waste?...

The fake asbestos test that they used to justify a $15,000 Hazardous Clean-Up claimed that there was asbestos on the premises. The tear down contractor did a poor job and left foundation and patio cement buried on the property along with other items from the house. The contract called for "all concrete and everything on the property" to be removed in a sealed container. This was not done and the Code Enforcement people as well as County Supervisor Susan Peters wee made aware of this fact months ago. And so was the EPA, both federal and state. And not one thing was done about it. Why aren't they worried about this hazard now? Its the same dangerous situation as before they tore it down. And now its even more dangerous because its not contained in the house but out in the dirt where it can leach into the water supply or become exposed to the air and drift into everyone's lungs. Do you think maybe I was right when I said there was no asbestos present and the test was a farce only used to make a bundle of cash from the unnecessary clean-up. 

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