One Fire To Another...
I drove by a house on the other side of Hurley and Morse that had a fire even worse than the one at my house. I was with the guy who lived there when it happened. It was his father's house and his father had recently passed away. The fire had started in the back of the garage near the fireplace. Roughly the same area as mine but his was caused by faulty wiring. As badly damaged as it is - the foundation and walls are still there but the walls are only the frame work (the 2x4 studs) and his front door is still in tact. But there is far more damage than mine suffered yet his is still there and ready to be rebuilt.
Now that just doesn't make sense. Where mine needed a new roof - as does his - most of my walls were in pretty good shape with a few areas where the stucco was badly damaged. And both houses need all the sheet rock (or needed, in my case) replaced. My house needed about 12 ceiling joists replaced where his needs them all. Mine needed the door jambs rebuilt on the front, back and back garage doors. His needs those and a garage built for the jamb and doors! What I'm getting at is if it makes economic sense to rebuild his nearly destroyed house then mine would have been even more feasible to rebuild. Yet that option was decided by a "commissioner" with little law experience and no - I say NO - experience in the construction trades. And her decision was made with evidence from a bunch of equally deficient garbage cops that couldn't figure out which direction was better to piss in on a windy day.
As the economic disaster of recent years exposed the waste in government as leaders scrambled to meet budget restrictions maybe this situation might also show the incompetence and stupidity that has become the "system" is a great fiasco that needs to be changed. First and foremost would be more oversight of the SS-style code enforcement machine that should be brought up on serious charges and demolished in the same fashion as they employ. Maybe code enforcement just needs a "new roof" but I think it would be better to rip their foundation up and cart it off to the dump. Besides, they truly are infected with hazardous material (Munoz and Chamberlain for starters) and any benefit they may bring to society doesn't out weigh the detriment as far as I'm concerned. They should be drop kicked to the other side of nowhere...
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