In Review...
Let's see now. I've tried to deal with all that has happened the last few years in a direct and straight forward manner. I've tried to go through the proper channels, contact the right people, fill out the right forms, etc. And it's got me no where, taken me no where, left me with nothing and wasted a bunch of fucking time and energy. So I'm thinking that it's time I did things the way I used to do them and, just like then, get shit done! When I wanted to be a DJ on the radio I went to the number one station in Sacramento and went right to the top - Station Manager Chris Miller and Program Director Tom Cale - and with in a month I was on the radio! When I wanted to get my photos of the motocross races published I went to the top of the heap and sent them to Cycle News. When they ignored my photos twice I got pissed off and wrote them a nasty letter complaining about the omission and pointing out that my pictures were better than anything they ever published on the northern California races. They responded rather quickly dubbing me Nuklear (actually Nuclear) and convincing me that I needed to write race reports for Cycle News which I did for over 20 years. When Danny Turner and I decided to promote MX races we put together a series and teamed with Marysville promoter Charlie Sexton and our first race attracted more riders (nearly 500) than any local race in 5 years. I used unconventional methods in unconventional ways and all of these things and many others throughout my life turned out quite extraordinarily. So why have I been trying to accomplish extraordinary tasks against insurmountable odds with conventional methods? This is the middle of the stream and I'm horse swapping! How stupid is that?
So now let's look back at the failures and see why success eluded me. We'll start with Susan Peters. She's got a slick and polished image and bolsters it with her column in that neighborhood monthly rag Inside Arden and her email invitations to her fluff breakfast events and such. She caters to the elements that have money and power and can get her re-elected again and again. She is not going to do a fucking thing about the complaints that I have brought to her attention. My complaints expose the failures in this wonderful system we have been so blessed to live under. That would require her to acknowledge there is a flaw and to then fix the troubled spot. That would lead to an investigation into the entire Code Enforcement department and legal action taken against the guilty parties. It would mean leaving the county vulnerable to a lawsuit and that would be a loss of revenue. She just wants it all to go away.She won't get her way,
That's enough of the review for now. I'll get back to it tomorrow.
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