
Monday, September 30, 2013

Just watch the way they behave and see...

September 30, 2013

What Hypocrites They Are...

I borrowed a friends car, an older Toyota, to take care of a few things and was on my way home when I took Berkshire to swing by my property. I remembered something I needed to do so I drove past Keeney and stopped at the Maison 4-way stop sign. After the intersection I noticed in my mirror the grill of Chevy Tahoe SUV - the grill and nothing but the grill, mind you! I was going 20 miles an hour on this residential street yet here was this cunt riding my ass! That's right...C-U-N-T, cunt! I was eating my caramel Sundae from Dairy Queen so I pulled to the right and tossed my nearly empty cup out the window and into her path. I didn't land it on her hood, as I wanted to, but when it flew in her path she got the message. Well that and the fact that I yelled, "Get the fuck off my ass!" And I know I can yell better than most so she heard it. This prompted her to slow down and roll the window down exclaiming, "Greg, you were doing 15mph..."

The fact that she knew my name proved she was one of the Arden Manor Nosey Do-Gooders That Are Up To No Good! She was on her cell phone - yes, while driving and tailgating and told the caller how, "This guy's doing 15 miles an hour, blah, blah, blah..." Last I remember that isn't a crime but the preferred speed to travel down a residential street as narrow as these streets are what with people leaving their garbage cans out on the street all the time! Oh, and I almost forgot the best part. She piped something about I didn't even have a license. Wrong, bitch...and she was definitely a bitch and I suspect was under the influence of alcohol or drugs or something. After all, in this neighborhood anyone who does anything out of the norm is drunk, high or selling drugs. Unless there was a house fire involved at which time you were cooking meth in your lab and it blew up!

You know, this was always a good neighborhood without much crime and it was relatively quiet and peaceful and people were friendly and didn't stick their noses up everyone's ass and start judging there every move. Then 2 things changed all of that: The apartments on Morse Avenue turned low income and a bunch of yuppie wanna-bees swarmed into the neighborhood and decided things needed to change. Fuck them all! I think the yuppies should go hang out in the apartments and play sleuth with the gang bangers and the problem would get solved. The gang boys would kill the yuppies and then end up in jail. Yuppies gone and gang boys out of commission. That's what they call poetic justice. And I think this world, or at least Arden Manor, needs a few more poets to improve the life's we live. With the exceptions of the dead yuppie association. See, God does have a plan. Just gotta let it run it's course.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

If the things they do are for good then...

September 29, 2013

What Are They So Afraid Of?

I was just having a conversation with 3 of my neighbors. As in "neighbors" I mean people who actually live near me. Not 3 streets over or on the other side of Morse or own a house nearby but live somewhere else. These 3 all live right by me. As in when one hears a noise at night in their back yard they call me and I check it out. As in when their drain backs up in the bathtub they ask me to do something. As in when their lawn needs mowing I do it for them. As in when they need a cigarette and have none they ask me and I give them one. As in when they have a barbecue they tell me to come over and get a plate. Or when their dishwasher breaks they ask if I know how to fix it and 2 days later the parts show up and it works again. As in neighbors!

Anyway, we were discussing the latest issue of the totally awesome and all encompassing Arden Manor Neighborhood Association who have appointed themselves saviors of the area. You know the ones - oh, wait... You probably don't know the ones since everything they do is faceless. They make anonymous calls and create problems where there are none. They are the do gooders that do no good. They are the ones who hole up inside their houses cowering in fear at the evil world outside that's coming to get them. You know now... the fucking worthless idiots! Like 2-face Lisa whose brother Raul roamed the neighborhood high on meth stealing whatever he could get his hands on and sleeping in the bushes in any yard that he was near when he got tired. Or Reno the little senile Italian who, as a teen in Italy during WWII got hit by shrapnel and still has some in his leg and was mad about it so he cut Allied forces communication lines endangering and/or costing Americans their lives (i.e. Nazi sympathizer!). Or Judy who had her "son-in-law" living at her house as he was selling meth out her bedroom window - and her sister is a sheriff! Wow! Extra special people...

Well it seems they still want to cause problems for me. All these lazy ass do-gooders who not one of them ever offered their help after my fire. Not one of them lifted a finger except maybe to dial the phone with a piddly ass complaint. Well now it's their turn to be on Front Street! Yes it is. So as the days go by here heading into the winter months I will have a little story about each and everyone of them to share with all. So everyone will know who is who and what they do and what they've done. I don't do anonymous and soon, neither will they!!! Life has so much more coming and I look forward to the sharing experience.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

If what your doing isn't wrong then...

September 28, 2013

Why Lie?

I was thinking about an incident that took place 2 years ago when I went to the hearing downtown with Code Enforcement when Munoz was sworn in to testify except he was sworn in as Barry Chamberlain. I even brought it up when it was my turn to question him. He appeared a little uneasy at the question but never denied or admitted to it. It seemed to me to be rather odd and I never got the question answered. So just why would one claim to be the other? What purpose would it serve to lie. So if they weren't doing something wrong then why the big lie? Was it a way to discredit me by making it appear that I didn't know who was who? I knew what they were doing and it doesn't matter who was which one or not the other. What was strange was how the commissioner wasn't the least bit interested in my question and basically just ignored my inquiry. That was when I realized the entire hearing process was a sham. It was all predetermined what the outcome would be and they were just  going through the motions to say there was a hearing. A hearing where I wasn't heard and justice was blind while I could see clearly that it was all lip service. What's new there? What I point out here seems to fall on deaf ears...

Friday, September 27, 2013

Get your license to be...

September 26, 2013

Wet and Wild...

It's only minutes to Friday and miles to somewhere but there's a deep hole in my wallet that devours my cash. Without cash this RV could make it nowhere with the gas in my tank so I'll go nowhere, since I'm already there, and hope that someday I'll be lucky enough to go somewhere - ANYWHERE! - that's not here. Ya hear me?

I sure would like to get some kind of letter from the county stating that they received my claim form and are going to notify me when or if it gets rubber stamped. I would also like to contact the County Assessor's office and see what they are willing to do so I could get my property back under my name and then start planning the house I will erect on it. It would have been relatively easy if it wasn't for the extortionate fees Code Enforcement has levied to the property. It wouldn't be this way if the county required Code Enforcement officers to take an IQ test and score a positive numerical rating! Just because Munoz and Chamberlain had identical -64 scores doesn't mean the two negatives make a positive with an aggregate 128 grade...

The house across the street was recently bought by an investment company and they immediately put a for rent sign up and didn't even completely clean it up! Last Sunday the dork in the Volkswagen showed up at 6:45am and started messing around and did touch up on the peeling paint and stuff. But, my God, you would think they would paint the entire house inside and out so they would attract a more desirable tenant. It sure appears that this investment company is just a slum lord who will rent to anyone or anything they can get. And showing up at 6:45am and making a bunch of racket doesn't show me they give a rat's ass about the neighbors. Maybe the rat drives a Volkswagen - like the pig driving a Rabbit (VW) in the commercial...

Maybe Code Enforcement should be going to 1401 Keeney and doing a little snooping. And I thought all rentals had to be inspected by the county before they rent the property out? Funny how the county can come up with all these laws and regulations but they hire idiots to enforce them. Again, IQ tests should be given. They make students take tests to graduate from school.

Everything about the system indicates the rapid and prevalent decline of Western civilization. America may not become a Third World country but second rate seems to be the norm. And this crap about giving illegal emigrants drivers licenses is another flipping sign of idiotocracy at work. They worry more about non-citizens rights than they do about legal, law-abiding citizen's rights. The government never cared much about the native Indian's rights when they were stealing their land and forcing them onto reservations. Swimming the Rio Grande must be an entitlement test! Go swim across the Nile and try to get your camel jockey license...

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Little thought and...

September 25, 2013

The Big Picture

It seems that our lives are but a micro reflection of The Big Picture, as in the way the world is going. And, of course, it's that way for a reason. The Big Picture is how the world is as a whole; Popular opinion and the issues facing mankind. It's the collective state of mind and all. Just as our personal lives are influenced by the momentum that steers civilization This means that we can relate to the spirit of the world because we are that spirit...

By studying history we are able to better learn from the past and recognize where our future could take us. Sometimes our personal detours and obstacles lead us down paths that can isolate us from the world as a whole. And this estrangement divides us from the majority as our priorities become our own priorities as opposed to our, as in all of our, priorities.

(Too bad my battery is going dead because now I can't finish this and by the time I get back to it the point will be lost in time...)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Your into the black when your...

September 25, 2013

Out Of The Blue...

Doing a little inventory reveals I've run out of my blue! Maybe that means my bottom line is now into the black. But I can't really confirm this 'cause I won't look back. I put my foot to the floor now, with the motor revving, since it's better to burnout then to fade away. My, my, hey, hey...

This has nothing to do with anything, I suppose, but I had to mention it just because it was there. It should put some minds to work trying to find meaning in nothing. It is said that the work of the writer is to connect various, unconnected incidences into a meaningful thought. What a novel idea!

An airplane lands and a dog pees on a tree while the clerk rings up the sale as the man in Kentucky waters his blue grass. It's the real reason why Todd Rundgren just bangs on his drum all day. Hey, hey, my, my can rock-n-roll ever die????

As rock lives on today's blog has become so grave that the final breath comes before the first light becomes only mottled gray. Or is that grey, as in Sweet Lady Jane for her glorious 9 days. What a Zaney thought.

To win an all expense paid vacation for 8 days and 6 nights in the Bulgarian resort of your choice just connect all the dots...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Nuklear Neukam Test Site: MyHouseAfterFire.mp4

Nuklear Neukam Test Site: MyHouseAfterFire.mp4

How small?

September 24, 2013


Spent the day getting Jerry's yard set up and cleaned for tonight's Fund Raiser for Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones. Added 4 big round tables with 10 chairs at each one that he rented from Rent Rite. Felt a little like working at Zigattos again. Funny thing there is Jerry knows Steve pretty well. And there's that Disneyland tune playing in my head: "It's a small world, after all..."

A tinge of irony comes into the picture in that I'm setting up this party and, except maybe for the incident last week over the dumping on my property, most of the contact I've had with the sheriff has been for rides downtown that generally end up with me walking home late at night when they OR me! And when Code Enforcement shows up with their requisite pair of deputies at my property...

A little gripe I still hang onto is that when the Code Enforcement Storm Troopers illegally broke and entered my house and destroyed my personal property along with scattering my mother's ashes on the floor I wasn't allowed to file a complaint against the responsible parties. After all, they cut the lock on my gate and came inside tossing boxes on the floor, ripping my tarps down and tore the boards I had put up off the window and door openings and installed their own! Add vandalism and malicious mischievousness to the breaking and entering and maybe mayhem along with a few others. Because of a warrant for a traffic ticket that I'd some how forgot when the house caught on fire my choice was to leave with the dogs or go to jail. That was the day that everything changed for the worst.

I'm still waiting on a response from the county concerning the Claim Form I submitted recently. I'll be amazed if it gets approved. It would be a nice surprise if it did because it would be a step in the right directon and give me a bit of badly needed hope. It just blows my mind that they actually tore the house down. It's so ludicrous that they did and unbelievable that they got away with it...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Where's the swatter cause I found...

September 22, 2013

Time Flies...

It appears from my seat that I'm a victim of Time Flies! The weekend was gone in a flash and all I can see is how time flies with ever increasing speed right on by me. If I could find the swatter I'd smash a few of the buggers and stop their clocks so I could get more done...

Maybe its just the clock I threw out the window. Gotta slow everything down now and try to reach a few goals. One thing is I'd like to talk with the Code Enforcement Division Chief Carl Simpson, who was with the sheriff last week when dude was dumping in my yard. I could tell by the questions he was asking that he doesn't know much about what went down concerning my property. I would like to fill him in on all the gory details and get his feed back. Maybe he could fill me in on some of the why's for things like my mom's ashes getting dumped or the fake asbestos test. Since he is the Division Chief he needs to be more aware of what his Braves are doing. Like scalping my house. Or leaving all the rocks and cement on my property when they came to clean it up. Or why there is so much debris buried on the land here. Or why the Code Nazis ignore the Constitution so damned much. And how they justify tearing down a house that needed a new roof when if they would have sold it as it was it would have easily fetched enough to pay off the back taxes and all the liens along with netting me $40K or more. It sure would be a kick in the rear to hear the explanation.

Friday, September 20, 2013

With another to begin it was...

February 3, 2013

Last Winter's End...

I've been attempting for some time now to draw attention to what I've seen happen to a home owner in Sacramento county’s Arden Manor neighborhood after a fire destroyed most everything he had including over 100 years of family treasures along with his life’s work as a photographer and journalist. Not withstanding is the fact that the house was severely damaged and then torn down by code enforcement who are guilty of some very shady maneuvers along with a serious conflict of interest on the part of one officer and his wife – also his supervisor at code enforcement – and a business they have an interest in that got the contract for an unnecessary haz mat clean-up because they falsely claimed there was asbestos in the house. This man, who was five years from retirement, had planned on getting a reverse mortgage to support him in as a supplement to his social security. The economic downturn had left him unemployed and with no insurance  and even though he was slowly getting the property cleaned up and trying to line up the needed materials for rebuilding the county spent 16-months harassing him and wearing him down until they tore down his family home. It’s a crime that this happened and trying to get anyone to help has been futile.

I know a lot about this situation and the pain he’s been put through because I am that man. And if it didn't happen to me I may not believe it just hearing about it. But it is true and somehow I’m going to expose this to the world. I've been beaten down and trampled on enough and I want justice to happen before I’m forced to do something foolish when I've lost all hope. I've been maligned and slandered, accused of a number of untrue “crimes”, lied to, lied about and generally treated like the scum of the earth when what I was guilty of was being the victim of a fire. I’m left a homeless bum with no job, few clothes, a fraction of my belongings and now no chance of much of a retirement.

Fortunately there are some fantastic neighbors living around my property who have been a great help and who are cool with me staying on the property – first, in a tent and the past month or so in a used motor home I was able to acquire.

My health has suffered through all of this as I suffered a broken neck and hip when I was younger and the hip was replaced 24-years ago but now is starting to fail. And the living arrangements have aggravated my arthritis especially in the extremely cold winter nights lately. Luckily I’m single and have no children. Its just me and my English Shepherd XZ but I had to give my other dog, Shadow, up for adoption because it was just too much for me.

While this mess wouldn't have been nearly as devastating 20-years ago at 58 its extremely tough to start all over again. And I suppose that since I have kept my spirits up through it all and maintained a sense of humor – that’s my shield from the pain! – people assume I’m doing better than I am. But I’m not doing well at all and I’m so full of anger that if something doesn't happen soon to lift my spirits I may go postal. I have little left to loose and not much of a future to look forward to so… Its not a very healthy situation.

I’m behind on taxes and the property is due to be sold at auction February 25 but the letter sent by the tax assessor says they want a minimum bid of $78,500 for an empty lot in a neighborhood where houses are going for a little over $100,000 I doubt there will be many interested parties bidding on it. If they would have left the house there it would possibly sell but with the damages – mostly the roof and all the sheet rock and the stucco that needed to be replaced - $45-50,000 would be more likely.

Ten or twelve years ago downtown Sacramento City code enforcement tore a man’s house down and attorney Andrea Miller handled that and got the guy – Mario Marino I think was his name – and I had contacted her and thought she was going to take the case. But she said her law firm had a conflict of interest since they had some kind of county contract so she couldn't help me. And with no telephone and only a bicycle for transportation I’m having trouble finding someone else to take the case,

Yet I see ridiculous cases like a burglar getting shot in the commission of a crime receiving some mega amount of money for his injuries and I have to wonder what is wrong with this country?

Not long ago on a planet near to here...

May 11, 2013


My name is Gregory Neukam and I have lived in Sacramento 58 years, almost all of those years have been in Arden Manor and since 1963 at 1400 Keeney Way. I'm residing at that address presently though there is no house on the property. I'm in a motor home which I purchased a few weeks ago and for 8-months I was in a tent under a lemon tree at the back of the property. In October of  2010 I had a fire at the house that did extensive damage and after a 16-month battle with county code enforcement they came in and tore the house down and made me homeless. My biggest mistake was I didn't have insurance even though the house was paid off and was all mine. I know how bad that was, boy do I know!

All through the process with code enforcement I was treated like a pile of shit and made to feel like I was a criminal and not the victim of a fire. They did so many things to me and my property that I couldn't  escape from their assaults. I won't go into  all the details but one of the worst things was when they came in my house and tossed boxes of belongings I had salvaged in the living room floor and one of those things was my mother's ashes... That act alone makes me want to do serious damage to their faces.

There is also the fact that after this hazardous clean-up a large number of items from the “contaminated” house were buried in the back yard along with portions of the patio. And having been a witness to the bidding process I know that the requirements were that everything was to be removed from the property including all cement. If their claim of hazardous materials is correct then there are hazardous materials on the property. California law states that there has to be full disclosure of all defects known on the property. Is this being told to potential bidders? If they aren’t concerned about these items could it be because they faked the testing for hazardous substances? And if they believed the house had asbestos in it why wasn’t I warned for my safety? Why did they not test until 2-weeks before tearing it down? Not enough time to challenge those findings and now the evidence is destroyed. I’ve heard a lot weaker evidence argued in court and cases were won.

It took a toll on my health and mental condition in the 16-month battle that included being thrown in jail a few times and getting into major confrontations with the code nazis. And it was all about - I believe - getting the contract to demolish the house. I learned over time that the lady who was running things who happened to be married to one of the nazis who was assigned to my case, has a business that does hazmat clean-ups at exorbitant prices and, low and behold, that's who did the clean-up/tear-down. They faked an asbestos test and claimed the house was contaminated with it. I know it wasn't because we had it checked for asbestos years ago when the entire neighborhood learned that a lot of these houses had it in them. There are a lot of other things, too, but I would rather wait on telling all this when we can meet in person. I am hoping that you will take an interest in this situation and want to get involved. I will await your reply on this matter. And I have a web site with some pictures and other information that you can check out. Its actually 3 sites and the links are here:




Can Google Maps show me the other side of nowhere?

September 20, 2013

One Fire To Another...

I drove by a house on the other side of Hurley and Morse that had a fire even worse than the one at my house. I was with the guy who lived there when it happened. It was his father's house and his father had recently passed away. The fire had started in the back of the garage near the fireplace. Roughly the same area as mine but his was caused by faulty wiring. As badly damaged as it is - the foundation and walls are still there but the walls are only the frame work (the 2x4 studs) and his front door is still in tact. But there is far more damage than mine suffered yet his is still there and ready to be rebuilt.

Now that just doesn't make sense. Where mine needed a new roof - as does his - most of my walls were in pretty good shape with a few areas where the stucco was badly damaged. And both houses need all the sheet rock (or needed, in my case) replaced. My house needed about 12 ceiling joists replaced where his needs them all. Mine needed the door jambs rebuilt on the front, back and back garage doors. His needs those and a garage built for the jamb and doors! What I'm getting at is if it makes economic sense to rebuild his nearly destroyed house then mine would have been even more feasible to rebuild. Yet that option was decided by a "commissioner" with little law experience and no - I say NO - experience in the construction trades. And her decision was made with evidence from a bunch of equally deficient garbage cops that couldn't figure out which direction was better to piss in on a windy day.

As the economic disaster of recent years exposed the waste in government as leaders scrambled to meet budget restrictions maybe this situation might also show the incompetence and stupidity that has become the "system" is a great fiasco that needs to be changed. First and foremost would be more oversight of the SS-style code enforcement machine that should be brought up on serious charges and demolished in the same fashion as they employ. Maybe code enforcement just needs a "new roof" but I think it would be better to rip their foundation up and cart it off to the dump. Besides, they truly are infected with hazardous material (Munoz and Chamberlain for starters) and any benefit they may bring to society doesn't out weigh the detriment as far as I'm concerned. They should be drop kicked to the other side of nowhere...

Thursday, September 19, 2013


September 19, 2013

Neighborhood Crotch Crud...

I hear that there is an effort afoot to form a Neighborhood Watch group in Arden Manor. Oh boy! More flipping idiots to roam around and play Big Brother. And I am not anti-Neighborhood Watch but after experiencing what the unofficial Arden Manor Neighborhood Association can do to damage things I'd say enough is enough. First the idiots of the AMNA need to have the wind forcibly removed from their sails and a number of them have their asses kicked so hard they'll be wearing their belts on their foreheads. You know what that will make their noses. True Dick Heads is how I see it.

No, I think maybe a watch group to keep the stupid element in their cages would be a better idea! The streets aren't where the crime is out of control. It's the fucking Morse Ave. apartments that have turned this area into a ghetto. And ignorant association members traveling off their streets and dreaming up problems that aren't problems as well as using chicken shit methods to remedy them. That, along with government agencies who cater to this minority's letter writing and phone calls and feel they are correct in their assumptions and yet can't confirm the facts with any evidence. Not to mention the vigilante tactics like back in Florida that resulted in a dead youngster and an over aggressive do-good-er getting away with manslaughter because an asinine DA wants to add a murder conviction to his record.

All people need to do is look out the window once in a while and if they see something suspicious dial 911. The way people have done it for many years. Or if you see something you don't like then go tell the person or persons before jumping to conclusions and  making a lot of drama where there is none.

A better watch group would be one that shadows the Code Nazis and reports their misdeeds to the rest of us. Or a group for the nosy busy bodies who just insist on sticking their heads up every ones ass and causing them problems. Like Mrs. Kravitz on Bewitched who has no life of her own and is determined that no one else will have one either. The kind of person who insists on removing the speck from your eye when they have a plank in their own...

No, I'm thinking this country has succeeded in breeding a lot of worthless morons who don't understand what freedom really is. Unwanted micro management is to be found nowhere in the Constitution. Just like weapons of mass destruction were never found in Iraq. But an ass hole president who was (is) empowered by oil mega money started a fucking war that cost us over a trillion dollars and masterminded (not himself, for God's sake! He was only the front man...) the destruction of 3 huge buildings the act, of which, was the basis for eroding American's liberties with the implementation of the USA PATRIOT act. 

Sorry to say but 3 skyscrapers do not collapse so linearly from the bottom up when they were hit by an airplane near the top. And one wasn't even hit by an airplane! Not to mention the explosions that were heard just as the buildings crumbled. But that's not the issue here. That would be an entirely different bitch.

So now I'll just say that I believe the neighborhood already watches and organizing a group to make things safer really won't have that effect. It will just send a bunch of people on a mission to meddle into the lives of those they don't want to be their neighbors. Its a popularity contest. One that has already empowered one ignorant do-good-er to take a teens life even though the teen was probably up to no good. They were both in the wrong yet one person paid dearly while the other got a get out of jail free card...

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

“You often meet your fate on the road you take to avoid it.” ― Goldie Hawn

September 18, 2013

Quote Me On That...

“Writing is a form of therapy; sometimes I wonder how all those who do not write, compose, or paint can manage to escape the madness, melancholia, the panic and fear which is inherent in a human situation.” ― Graham Greene

I wish I could remember the exact words as well as the author but one of my favorite quotes went something like this: "There is a comfort in madness that none but mad men know..."
I'm quite sure that is probably a little scary to those who consider themselves less than mad men - those of the moral majority who try so to conform to the standards of society and seek security as well as possibly prosperity from "playing by the rules" and not causing waves nor stirring up the dust or rattling others cages, just going with the flow and all that. I think some even consider it a mark of superiority. And there's nothing wrong with that conformity, nothing at all. Blending in is very homogeneous. It just doesn't have a lot of appeal to me personally. Does that mean I'm "homophobic"? Only if the blender is plugged in somewhere in Lavender Heights!

 “If other people do not understand our behavior—so what? Their request that we must only do what they understand is an attempt to dictate to us. If this is being “asocial” or “irrational” in their eyes, so be it. Mostly they resent our freedom and our courage to be ourselves. We owe nobody an explanation or an accounting, as long as our acts do not hurt or infringe on them. How many lives have been ruined by this need to “explain,” which usually implies that the explanation be “understood,” i.e. approved. Let your deeds be judged, and from your deeds, your real intentions, but know that a free person owes an explanation only to himself—to his reason and his conscience—and to the few who may have a justified claim for explanation.” ― Erich Fromm

Sometimes the therapy in writing comes through what others have written before if they have so eloquently conveyed the thoughts that were shared.

“Happiness is not the absence of problems; it’s the ability to deal with them.” ― Steve Maraboli

I do believe the happiness is the result of the results that ability produces...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

That's a real turn around...

September 17, 2013

Oh What A Day...

I was working my ass off when some body told me there was a truck and trailer backed onto my property and people doing things. So I grabbed the dog, jumped on my bike and rushed around the corner and as I pulled up to my property what did I see? One of the guys from across the street was dumping the crappy crab grass they shaved off the front yard at 1345 Keeney Way on my property. I asked him what the hell he was doing and he snaps back, "You told me I could." I thought about using my machete to trim his toe nails and telling him "I thought you wanted a pedicure!" But instead I just dialed 911, the only number I could dial on my inactivated cell phone,  and said we'd see what the sheriff had to say.

It took a while for the sheriff to get there - he was waiting for Code Enforcement, who I would have also called had my phone been capable - and I explained the situation. I agreed that the "damage" was minimal but there was that good old principle thing that had to be served. And since this was the guy that called Code Enforcement on me the very first day he showed up to the property he paid way too much for there was no way I was going to just let it go.

They asked me what I wanted done and I said I wanted it picked up and removed. I offered an option of paying me a $100 dump fee. The sheriff told me he couldn't force them to do that and I replied that I knew that. But that was the choices I was willing to accept.

They chose the tax option and if the guy is a man of his word then tomorrow I'll have another Benjy to put toward my registration. If not then....well, if not, I'll let the powers that be put a little snap, crackle and pop in his Fruit of the Looms!

It isn't much, this twist of fate. But its a nice day when you get to drive the car instead of getting put in the back seat with hand cuffs on your wrists...

Sunday, September 15, 2013

I keep asking...

September 15, 2013

How To Fix It...

I can see now why the bastards at Code Enforcement get away with what they do. It’s because nobody has the balls to challenge them. I have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that what they did was illegal, immoral, shady, and fraught with conflict of interest, unnecessary, ludicrous and just plain stupid. What they did was rob me of my future security. And I want justice served. I want the foul bastards punished. I want their future taken from them. I want vengeance. And if this system has devolved to the point it won’t take care of it then I will find a way to get it done. Read from that what you may…

If the system is broken so bad that it co-signs these kind of things then I think the power needs to be put back in the people’s hands to meet out justice. The state is so wrought with corruption and pandering to special interests that there is no longer any “of the people, by the people, for the people” here today. It’s of the few people with the power of the money to do what ever they want. There is no fighting the system within the system. It has wrapped itself with shields and covered with red tape that makes it impossible to get at the corruption and eliminate it. The only remedy is to bypass the bureaucracy and go directly to the cause of the problem and destroy it. It’s a cancer that slowly eats away at the entire system and renders it useless. The strength of the system is not a strength that benefits the people. It only protects a few of its own. It hides its faults and hurts the ones it was intended to protect. It will never fix itself because that would alter the power structure in favor of the people and not the system. This system gives more service to those who abuse it than to those who are abused by it.

It would require a person with a modicum of power to step outside that box and see the abuse and want to step back in and do something to change it. But nobody is willing to risk the security given them by the shield of inequality to help someone who has been devoured by the greed protected within. It just doesn't happen. So its better to help feed the fire that will engulf this evil system because of its own corrupt behavior. It is better to abuse the system which will thus be weakened by this action. How stupid is that?

A bird in the hand...

Flying Birds

Sacramento, CA
April 4, 2013

What does it take to gain an ear of someone who can shed light on a situation that should never have been and was created by a government agency that seems able to do whatever they want in any way they want regardless of law, moral obligation or common sense? Why is it so difficult to draw attention to an act that obviously was not done to benefit the parties involved on either side so therefore must have been to benefit someone or some group that should not have benefited or even possibly benefitted unless there was a conflict of interest. And when trying to get this situation rectified through normal channels it just gets ignored, excused as just the way it is or given lip service and placated with token gestures.

It seems universally accepted that Sacramento County Code Enforcement does some very brazen actions in their duty as “garbage cops” even by the sheriff that accompanies them on their Nazi SS-style raids. And there seems very little, if any, oversight of their actions or tactics. And any judging done in their “hearings” is by a commissioner in their employment. They come out to “investigate” because of some anonymous call they claim to have gotten. They charge exorbitant fees whether or not there is anything wrong. They make decisions on remedies that are usually unnecessary. And hire subcontractors at ridiculous prices for their solutions and the subcontractors hire questionable employees who do sub-standard work. And they create bigger “messes” at homeowner’s expense and nobody seems to give a damn.

I, for one, know all too well this is so because I am a victim of these jerks. And I have the proof if someone would listen and do something about it. They went to Iraq looking for weapons of mass destruction and didn’t find any yet they waged a very expensive decade long war. The mass destruction is carried out by Code Enforcement and they and their employees are getting rich destroying houses, lives and futures. Yet nobody lifts a finger. Well I’m lifting one; The middle one on my right hand and pointing it at them and anyone who ignores this. You better wake up. Orwell’s world is here and I’d rather die fighting it then living in it. It’s time someone did something…

Friday, September 13, 2013


Mirror, mirror on the wall...

September 13, 2013

Friday The 13th...

Whoa Nelly! Friday the 13th and all of the superstitions that go along with it. Bad luck? Could it be any worse than my everyday luck? Fat chance of that...

If I believed in that bullshit then I'd have to take on all the other crap that goes with it. That would mean I would have made a couple of voodoo dolls that bore a striking resemblance to "No Balls" Paul Munoz and Barry "The Fairie" Chamberlain and you wouldn't be able to find a pin in Sacramento County unless you found those dolls! Or I would have cast a spell and a building they were condemning would have already collapsed on them. I'd be tossing black cats in their path daily and I would have ladders set up in their path so they would walk under them. I'd adopt them both as my new moms and start stomping on cracks. Every superstition in the world would get put into play all aimed at their demise. Hey, at least I'm not vindictive...

Well I gotta go now. I seen a bat in a tree and I need its wings for a new recipe I found at

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Never ends good...

September 12, 2013

Just What I Was Afraid Of...

Thank fucking-you Code Enforcement! Just what I was trying to avoid by staying on my property and getting everything done right got me just a little while ago. I was trying to turn that beast of an RV onto Morse off of Hurley and when I was swinging wide to clear the turn, an elderly gentleman went to the inside of me and my motor home brushed his left front headlight and bumper. His Toyota wasn't severely damaged but knowing the price of auto parts and the astronomical service charges it's gonna cost more than I can afford. The problem comes in the fact that I haven't got the last of my registration paid off so, technically, it's not registered for the road. And worst than that is I haven't got insurance on it yet. I didn't want to drive the RV until I got my drivers license (got it), got the RV registered (half way there - $360 to go) and got insurance (got quotes but no policy yet). Everything I was trying to avoid just took me out. The fucking prick Kevin "Shit Breath" Shriver has to force me to change what was working out just fine. Well fuck them all... I got nothing to loose now. This will bury my ass so deep I have no hope of dragging myself out of it. So now I am really playing by my rules. Fuck everyone and twice dirty for anything Sacramento County. ANYTHING! I tried to do it by the book but now I'm gonna be the author. I just have to decide if it's a crime novel, sci fi, murder and suspense, comedy or historical re-enactment. Romance is definitely out. One thing is for sure. There is no happy ending...

Boring can be so dull...

September 12, 2013


It's Thursday already and I am so tired of having to keep this RV moving in circles from spot to spot. In order to use the internet I have to park in front of my property or go to MacDonald's. At least in front of my property My dog, Exzy, can run around in the yard or go visit the neighbors ike he loves to do. Just don't want the idiot across the street to start calling the cops or Code Enforcement because that will just piss me off real bad. He still has pay back coming for causing this situation and I don't really want to have to double it. Too much trauma and way too much drama.

I think I'll go get a Slurpee at 7-11 and then go park at the Morse house. Sounds like a plan to me...

Bunz Up...

September 11, 2013

Just Another Day...

It was just another day gone by and go by it did. Another day of wasting gasoline running in circles when I should be parked on my property and getting some work done. If only the idiots that caused this could see how ludicrous the situation has become I'll bet they wouldn't be observant enough to recognize it. At least it proves the trickle down theory is false. They have accumulated a great deal of stupid and it has dripped down on the rest of us - at least not way down here at the bottom! To that I say, "Bottoms up!"

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Doesn't this piss you off?...

September 10, 2013

What's Up?...

Doesn't anyone else get pissed off when they read some of the things I've brought to light over the past weeks? Am I the only one that sees this as a dangerous precedent? Is it only me, since its happening to me, that gets a little bent out of shape? I alone am totally offended that so much can happen and I have no recourse? Then why hasn't anything happened? Why do they succeed in destroying my life and future and no body questions the way they did it or even the reasons why? This is pretty fucked up...

Where's the EPA?...

September 10, 2013

Hazardous Waste?...

The fake asbestos test that they used to justify a $15,000 Hazardous Clean-Up claimed that there was asbestos on the premises. The tear down contractor did a poor job and left foundation and patio cement buried on the property along with other items from the house. The contract called for "all concrete and everything on the property" to be removed in a sealed container. This was not done and the Code Enforcement people as well as County Supervisor Susan Peters wee made aware of this fact months ago. And so was the EPA, both federal and state. And not one thing was done about it. Why aren't they worried about this hazard now? Its the same dangerous situation as before they tore it down. And now its even more dangerous because its not contained in the house but out in the dirt where it can leach into the water supply or become exposed to the air and drift into everyone's lungs. Do you think maybe I was right when I said there was no asbestos present and the test was a farce only used to make a bundle of cash from the unnecessary clean-up. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

The pursuit of happiness can have some sad detours...

September 9, 2013

Time To Take Back Our Rights...

I've seen this system at work real closely over the last few years and what I've seen is that those in charge don't give a rat's ass about our rights. I've seen Code Enforcement twist things around and violate so many laws they should be doing life sentences at the very least. And I've tried to get some disciplinary actions taken only to see them do the very same things over and over. There is something very wrong with this picture and it isn't just the focus. The camera needs to do a 180 and get close ups of the photographers...

The county commissioner, Susan Peters, is a lazy do nothing joke. She needs to get off her fat ass and investigate the things I've told her about. Never mind her little breakfast meetings at all the posh spots where she can look important and everyone applauds her. There's no applause down here on the street where lives are lived. I don't care who runs against her in the next election but that person gets my vote and support. I don't care if I have to go stand at the poles and physically block those that plan on voting for her I will do just that. And the Code Enforcement division needs a serious overhaul and some independent oversight of their functions needs to be put in place. The Garbage Cops need to be reeled back in.

Once upon a time the press were the overseers of our government but from what I've seen lately they just rubber stamp all they do and spend their time watching baseball games and trying to sound knowledgeable and insightful. Whoopee! No wonder the newspapers are going belly up. Should have been sooner than this for all they're worth...

Television news has never been worth a damned and they still aren't. Hey, if it ain't broke - and they do have plenty of money! - why fix it. Let them play the pretty people game and try to out make-up the other ones. What do you mean when you say I'm cynical?

A good example of what I'm bitching about is Code Nazi Kevin "Shrivel Dick" Shriver and how he sent Julie a citation just because she was helping me. And he even stated that in front of 2 sheriff officers the day he did it. Where's the disciplinary action there? A write up plus a week off without pay? Plus a fine of $600, he same it was going t cost Julie. But that won't hapen and he knows it. Why do ou think he does it over and over again? Because he can...

 And the bastards that tossed my belongings and my mother's ashes on the floor. The Code Enforcement officers should have been fired. The contractor that they claim did it should have been banned from ever getting a county contract. And they should have had to pay back the money they were paid for the job and been forced to compensate me for my loss.

And the bitch who faked the asbestos test should have been fired. And arrested for what she did. And been forced to pay restitution for my losses from that. I'm sure that is coming soon.

All of these things and a lot more should have happened by now. But guess what? NOTHING HAPPENED! No wonder they do what they do. Because they get away with it...

Ive said fr some time now tat Sacramento County has one of the worst and most corrupt governments that can be found and now I know I have the proof of that as shown by their actions. It's not right.

So since they continue on and commit these crimes at will maybe it's time to fight fire with fire. Pay back's a mother fucker and I can think of a few people who will agree with that statement in the not so distant future... 

There's no time like the present...

September 9, 2013


Yes it is a Septemper to dismember! I hold back my anger and reign in my temper and try to deal with the issues created by a corrupt Code Enforcement that's co-signed by the sheriff and the county supervisor looks the other way. I think the hearing on the 3rd was a big joke and the only thing missing was the court jester. Looking at the evidence packet that Code Enforcement presented is another laugh-er in deed. All the redacted documents, some even before they tore the house down and one complaining about the cement dated after it was cleaned up. And the change of mind on the pile of dirt when he probably read the contract for the tear down and saw that I was right about it was supposed to be leveled. As long as your looking closely look at all the pieces of foundation and patio buried in the yard when the contract said all concrete was to be removed from the property. And you can't help but trip over all the chunks of concrete still in the front. Or the Christmas ornaments and electronics parts sticking out of the ground. And that leads me to believe there are hazardous materials with asbestos contamination still on the land. If it was so important that it required tearing the house down and a haz-mat clean-up to boot then it should be important what was left behind.

And Susan Peters should have taken interest in the issues I informed her of and follow City Council's Serna Junior and get her hands a little dirty digging in to the problems at hand. And I guess Sgt. Reali is more politician than I expected so mostly all I get are words.

And then the busy-body Arden Manor Neighborhood Association - a bunch of snobbish hypocrits who are an infinitesimally small minority causing an uproar over the property yet I don't recall even one of their little clique offering any help what so ever when I was cleaning up after the fire. Now that I have a list of each and everyone of their names and addresses I can just take it up with each one on a more personal level. Like face to face. Or, really, face to face/face as the case may be. They may not be thrilled about the time of day I choose to talk to them since I'm a spontaneous kind of guy and 3:00am is a spontaneous kind of time...

This promises to be an exciting time and I can't wait to get started!!! 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Are You Threatening Me?????

September 8, 2013

What A Little Piss Ant Shriver Is...

What a puny little punk ass woos Code Enforcement Sissy Kevin Shriver is. This little packet of junk he handed out at the hearing was so fake he should be held in contempt of court. Except it wasn't really a court. It was Code Enforcement playing the games they play. The list of calls complaining about something at my address is a bunch of shit. 2 of the calls on there are from Julie when she called to complain about Code Enforcement and I was right there when the call was made. Kevin "Wanna Be" Shriver is a punk ass little faggot he needs his ass kicked deep and hard. The same way he likes dick! I think I'll make a hundred calls to complain about things and we will see how fast he gets on those things.

The thing is if there were as many complaints as he claims then there would have been a lot of visits by the sheriff that never were. If there were that many complaints then some body has too much idle time and needs to get a life. And why is the call to the sheriff a few weeks ago from Judy on the corner concerning her daughter and her dope shooting "son-in-law" Robert who, by the way, was slinging shit out her bedroom window not long ago.

I think the motivation behind all this is a smoke screen to hide what Code Enforcement did wrong and keep it from getting them in hot water. I'm thinking they are doing so much illegal shit that they go to great lengths to keep the heat off of them. And Susan Peters is right there aiding and abetting the crooked bastards instead of investigating and exposing the corruption. They know I've nailed them every time they did something questionable and they can feel the pressure building so they need to create a diversion.

So maybe its time to get in the spirit of hunting season and track down some stinking varmints and deal with them accordingly. What do you think? Thumbs up or thumbs down, down, down...

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Watching and Waiting...

September 7, 2013

Saturday, Saturday, Saturday...

Sittin' down now after a Saturday on the go... Fixed Julie's dad's Dodge truck today. Wheel bearings on the right front of his Ram diesel had worked loose and the wheel was flopping pretty bad but it looks like it took to the repairs and there was no serious damage done to anything (i.e. No scored or scorched spindle, rotor not damaged). New wheel bearings and seal and a cotter pin now on the spindle nut made all the difference in the world.

Now that I have to move this RV around a lot it's costing me a lot of $$$ for gas! I've put almost $100 in the tank over the past week and it's still only a quarter of a tank. But just starting this motor sucks a bunch of gas without even putting it in drive.

I'm thinking it's time for a good lawyer to pop up and be willing to take this case on and help take some of the stress and madness off of me for a while. I've looked but none in sight yet. Better be soon...

Friday, September 6, 2013

A Brief Summary...

September 6, 2013

In Review...

Let's see now. I've tried to deal with all that has happened the last few years in a direct and straight forward manner. I've tried to go through the proper channels, contact the right people, fill out the right forms, etc. And it's got me no where, taken me no where, left me with nothing and wasted a bunch of fucking time and energy. So I'm thinking that it's time I did things the way I used to do them and, just like then, get shit done! When I wanted to be a DJ on the radio I went to the number one station in Sacramento and went right to the top - Station Manager Chris Miller and Program Director Tom Cale - and with in a month I was on the radio! When I wanted to get my photos of the motocross races published I went to the top of the heap and sent them to Cycle News. When they ignored my photos twice I got pissed off and wrote them a nasty letter complaining about the omission and pointing out that my pictures were better than anything they ever published on the northern California races. They responded rather quickly dubbing me Nuklear (actually Nuclear) and convincing me that I needed to write race reports for Cycle News which I did for over 20 years. When Danny Turner and I decided to promote MX races we put together a series and teamed with Marysville promoter Charlie Sexton and our first race attracted more riders (nearly 500) than any local race in 5 years. I used unconventional methods in unconventional ways and all of these things and many others throughout my life turned out quite extraordinarily. So why have I been trying to accomplish extraordinary tasks against insurmountable odds with conventional methods? This is the middle of the stream and I'm horse swapping! How stupid is that?

So now let's look back at the failures and see why success eluded me. We'll start with Susan Peters. She's got a slick and polished image and bolsters it with her column in that neighborhood monthly rag Inside Arden and her email invitations to her fluff breakfast events and such. She caters to the elements that have money and power and can get her re-elected again and again. She is not going to do a fucking thing about the complaints that I have brought to her attention. My complaints expose the failures in this wonderful system we have been so blessed to live under. That would require her to acknowledge there is a flaw and to then fix the troubled spot. That would lead to an investigation into the entire Code Enforcement department and legal action taken against the guilty parties. It would mean leaving the county vulnerable to a lawsuit and that would be a loss of revenue. She just wants it all to go away.She won't get her way, 

That's enough of the review for now. I'll get back to it tomorrow.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Now we'll play by MY rules...

September 5, 2013

Fuck Off Fuck Head...

It seems that no one cares that Code Enforcement has done a lot of illegal and immoral things during the time I was forced to deal with them. From trashing my stuff and tossing my mother's ashes on the floor to fake asbestos tests and altering the engineers findings to the complete opposite of what the engineer said needed to be done and culminating with the complete destruction of my home and continued harassment for parking my RV on the property. So if its okay for Code Enforcement to act that way then I guess its okay for me to do the same. So away I go...

So I guess this blog has served its purpose but it won't be of any use to me anymore. Been nice knowing ya!


P.S. Don't waste your time going through the process of filing a complaint or going to hearings or being cooperative with Code Enforcement. Its a waste of time and energy. The system is broken and nobody will fix it. Its a dirty war and has to be fought dirty! Time for dirt...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Let Code Enforcement Plan For Your Future...

September 4, 2013

Logical Lunacy...

It seems so fitting that because of Code Enforcement's logic my life is turned into lunacy. Where I was comfortably, relatively speaking, parked on my own property with my solar panels set up to charge my auxiliary battery and charge my laptop so I could use the internet via the signal I pick up from Julie's across the street I now have to illegally drive from spot to spot during the day costing me gas and then find a place to park at night. But how absurd to think that parking on my own property is so much of a nuisance to the neighborhood. If that offends some of the new coming puds in the area so fucking what? They should spend all of their energies scrutinizing their own lives instead of anonymously calling in to complain about something that is none of their concern. They should be more concerned that Code Enforcement can get away with tearing down a house that shouldn't have been torn down. They should be more concerned, and a lot ashamed, that they have to cause so many problems with their anonymous chicken shityness when if they don't like something they should go talk to the person face to face and find out why something is like it is. But that kind of person doesn't really care what has happened because all he is concerned with is what he feels about it or how it may affect him. To hell with anyone else.

All I can say now is that this situation has me back in the angry state of mind that distracts my attention from what I need to do to what I want to do. I would get so much pleasure putting all of the detractors in this situation and watch how they deal with it. Watch as they are consumed with a bitterness that eats you away. Makes you extremely vengeful and consumes your energy and drive. Watch and see how they strike out in anger at the logic as they bare their lunacy for all to see...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Liar on fire!!!

September 3, 2013

I Told You So...

It went about like I thought. I got there a little late - Bradshaw and Keifer is a bit of a ride on the old mountain bike especially when you add a trailer with bad tires and a 65lb. dog riding along. Got in around 15-minutes late and the receptionist told me to have a seat and some one would come out and get me. 30-minutes later the door opened and they were ending the hearing. But they called me in when they saw I was there and re-opened it. I know it was only a token thing then. The case had been discussed and they had already decided the thing. And what it will come down to is that I have to leave my motor home off my property and I have to leave it off. If its back on then they can tow it and impound it for 7-days. The next time it doubles. And so on and so forth...

Well whoop-de-do! Well the only reason I wanted to go to a hearing was to get the information I got. The hearing packet prepared by Code Enforcement. And I see a faked number of documents and others that have helpful info on them.

And what about Code Enforcement? They got real busy when 1345 Keeney called them up. Why? $$$$ They - Kevin Shriver and company, were aware that I have been on the property since last November. But it went into critical stage when the jerk called them and made an issue out of it. None of the other calls he claimed were made were in fact made. So he faked them. Along with meaningless e-mails because they aren't authenticated. And none of them sounded like a complaint. Not one of them says anything but state my motor home is at the property. So fucking what? Where's the complaint? No body says what it is that's wrong with that. If they had a problem they would say, "That motor home is making my home value decline", or "I think there are Arab terrorists hiding in the RV." So it earns old bald head Kevin on the liar list. Tell one lie and everything that leaves your mouth is a lie. The 2-face thing. Because I remember when Kevin was out here last November and he was biting at the bit and wanting to write tickets and raise hell. It really pissed him off when the RV started right up. And he knew I moved it back after he gave Julie a citation for being on her property.

That's enough of this bull shit for now. He's a little punk and I knew it all along. The doors aren't sound proof... I must go show that actions are more effective than worthless words....................................

Monday, September 2, 2013

All aboard!!! Move 'em out...

September 2, 2013

Only Hours Away...

Tomorrow at 9:30am I have the hearing with Code Enforcement at 4145 Branch Center Road. I'll be glad to get this farce out of the way because I already know what that will be like. They won't want to hear about what circumstances took place prior to the motor home's arrival on MY property. They won't care about all the illegal crap done by Code Enforcement. How they treated me after the fire and threatened to tear my house down and finally did. My belongings being trashed and my mom's ashes dumped on the floor won't matter to them. The fake asbestos test, the conflict of interest, the slander, the badgering and harassment, the lies, none of it matters to them. It may not matter to them but they will damned well hear about it all. They are going to hear it all and better let me say my piece.

I have the RV all  loaded up and ready to move. I'll move it later tonight and only hope that where I move it to there will be an internet connection available so I don't have to haul my laptop to Safeway or MacDonald's and sit there to use the web. It pisses me off that I have to get off my own property where I have things set up so I can function sufficiently and have internet access.

So instead of grumbling about the same bs I think I'll just post this and go outside and put the last few things on board so I'm ready at any moment to fly...