We're All Gonna Cry...
October 1, 2014
I kept hoping this craziness was going to end and maybe the old Liz would take control again and everything would get back to normal. That's never going to happen. And after the drunk bastard Kevin pulled a knife on me and calls the cops it's time to say it will never be good again. I would never let her near me again. I don't want to talk to her ever again. I just want to hear how much trouble she is in. Maybe which prison she ends up in. I contacted APS, CPS, the County Building Inspector and the Oregon District Attorney. They will be coming from every direction. An d she knows each one will;get her for something. The pressing charges for assault in Oregon is going to be the winner! Can't wait. Why would a drunk be leaving her house at midnight on a bicycle carrying a knife? He's protecting who? His wife and kids are alone and vulnerable but he has to go to the rescue of a woman with a husband in the house and a very formidable nephew across the street as well as a restraining order to protect her since she knows how to call the sheriff and they respond real quick. And what good could he do drunk. He fell getting off the bike. And ran when I started to get out of the van! Real manly. And that's who your fucking. This makes you "fucking Stupid". LOL LOL LOL and I don't miss your stinky pussy. Or should I say the grand canyon with hair. You turned the garage into a dining room and I know why. You could park a fucking car in there an d still have room for the bicycles. And thanks for the song. What bull shit. I take mine back. There was no magic. If there was, you'd disappear! Like this.... POOF!
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