Ugly, Evil, Hateful And Worse...
September 20, 2014
I am still at a loss to understand how someone can claim someone means so much to them and spend a year in a relationship - though not an ideal one - and even tell the person how much they loved them and then turn around and start a fight while the new person they are now screwing breaks a window to make it look like the other person did it and get a restraining order that fucks up the other person's life needlessly and flaunts the new immoral relationship even posting a picture online showing them at the Motel 6 on Howe and 50 with a smirk on the face as if to say fuck off and die. Never have a seen a more cruel and vulgar display of hatred in my life. This being done to someone who is genuinely kind and honest and caring and has done nothing to deserve being treated like this. Would do anything in the world for her. There is no reason for this and now they will never ever ever ever be friends again - let alone lovers - never have coffee together, share cereal in the night, a slurpee, walk around Orchard or Home Depot together, enjoy a trip to Big Lots or any thing together again. I lost my best friend and I don't understand why. And why she is being so evil as to call the sheriff and lie to them, tell Jerry lies, try to destroy the relationship with my sister that I finally re-established, try to bar me from the street I lived on for 50 years. All because I saw the signs and read the clues that she's cheating on her husband with another who is married to her supposed friend. I guess I knew what you were all along but I believed you when you said you didn't do married men, that you couldn't stand that person, that you were working a 12 step program, that you quit using, that you were going to church. It's sad because I see the effects your shortcomings have had on the one person you say you care the most about. I'm thinking the one you care more about is yourself and you don't care who you hurt or how many lies you have to tell to do it. Maybe that isn't the Lord that's steering you. But you know it all.
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