October Begins...
October begins and the spooks all come in and they wait until the last day for fun. It gets scary at times but its always the norm that this month ends with Halloween night. Its when costumes disguise and knocks at the door can mean tricks wanting treats or maybe some one really wants more. Other times there is no knock while still others there's nothing at all.
I really don't like October. Its been when more bad things have happened to me then good. First, its the time when the seasons change from the warm end of summer to the cold approaching winter. Its also the month that my house caught on fire, my oldest sister Deanna died and my mom passed away. Not what I consider fond memories to keep me warm and cozy. As far as October goes I think it sucks.
So for the remainder of the month - another 4 weeks - I won't likely find much to be happy about. Not that any of the months in the past few years have been much of a joy. But at least life during the other months doesn't add so much sorrow and pain. Just the usual misery of trying to survive while a bunch of neighborhood busy bodies stalk my every move and play tattle tale with code enforcement and the sheriff. Though now I am fully aware of their petty little bull shit and plan on giving them plenty to keep their feeble minds working over time. Let them snoop and take their pictures and draw inane conclusions for what they think they see. Let them call the county supervisor and drag her into their petty little game. They will all think they've really got some major incident to report and they'll have the sheriff running ragged chasing their own tails when, in the end, they will be turning themselves in and they will have only themselves to blame for the "crime". Setting them up, so to speak, for the surprise they all will never expect. Kinda like pointing their fingers in a mirror. A little game of one on none.
With that let the tricks begin while I enjoy the treats of revenge...
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