
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August 14, 2013

Garbage Cops Need To Be Stopped!

This thing with code enforcement has risen – or sunk – to a greater mark. After the visit today and the harassment over the motor home – which was moved – and the bull shit about the top soil on the property I can see that it will take something drastic to get the attention of the higher ups in county government to take notice and do something about what I have proven to be wrong doing on code enforcements part. I’ve tried writing the county supervisor, Susan Peters. There’s no political benefit for her so we can guess how much she cares. I’ve tried to get the attention of the press but they aren’t what they used to be. Unless some one gets murdered or raped or robbed at gun point its not going to be sensational enough for their time and effort. I’ve emailed a dozen attorneys but they don’t see 7 figures so why would they intentionally piss off the county they work in. That would just make their life harder. Maybe if I bought a bottle of aspirin and a slingshot and told the press there were drugs and weapons involved they might raise an eyebrow. I guess when code enforcement lied to the new neighbors, Dave and Mandy, that my meth lab blew up and that’s why my house burned down it wasn’t enough of a drug connection.

And to have code officer Shriver blame the contractors today for tossing my belongings on the floor along with my mom’s ashes was such a cop out. If that were so code enforcement is still responsible for their actions. And I complained to code enforcement time and time again and sent them a letter stating this yet no response. Its obvious to me that my complaints are justified yet they continue to ignore me. And I don’t care if some of those complaints were personnel related and could have been dealt with internally. That does not satisfy me in the least. I deserve to be told if something was done and I deserve to be compensated. I am the victim here and I get made out to be a fucking criminal. Not to mention the stupid fucking code enforcement decision to tear the house down. I don’t care what anyone says to the contrary IT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN TORN DOWN! And I’m now to the point where I will get attention one way or another. I don’t want to be a martyr for this idiotic cause but if all else fails and I’m pushed to that point then so be it. I would rather be dead than to live knowing what was done to me and knowing not a fucking thing was done about it. And good old Shit for Brains Shriver proved nothing was today.

Somehow I’m going to get this resolved and these piss ant code Nazis are going to get called on their bull shit. Their fucking garbage cops! That’s all. Garbage cops. They’ve over stepped their bounds and exceeded their authority. They have too little over sight and there is a great lack of due process which is a violation of the Constitution of the United States of America. Not to mention they’ve denied me my “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness,” the basic premise of the Constitution as stated in its preamble. Doesn’t anyone pay attention to what they were taught in school? It sure isn’t applied in the world we live in. I’m madder than hell and I demand my rights be recognized and my complaints be taken seriously and addressed accordingly. This country has turned to dog shit lately and I’m fed up with it. Something needs to happen real soon because if it doesn’t then there’s no reason to be a patriotic American who recognizes the need to obey the laws and strive to live a better life. Look what that has gotten for me…

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