
Friday, July 26, 2013



Dear Ms. Peters:

I had contacted your office last year concerning the out of control behavior of the code enforcement officers dealing with my property at 1400 Keeney Way. They succeeded in demolishing my family house which had been damaged in a fire in October 2010. I have a few issues I would like to bring to your attention and hope that something can be done about them. I'm not even sure where to start...

One of the major issues is when, in early 2011, they invaded my home while I was at breakfast and tossed all the belongings I had salvaged and boxed from the rubbish into the middle of the living room floor including my mother's ashes. I have complained before of this sickening act but so far no action. It was devastating enough to see family pictures and albums, records and news articles, etc. that I spent weeks digging out, washing and drying, then boxing up just scattered into a pile on the floor but so see my mother's remains dumped out made me mad enough to kill. I hope nobody ever has to experience that. If given the chance today I would still remove Munoz's and Chamberlain's family jewels and stuff them down their throats...

Besides the times they came in with the sheriff and arrested me for living in MY OWN HOUSE they did nothing whatsoever to assist in my personal disaster but harass me, slander me and tell neighbors total lies concerning me and the fire. 2 weeks before they tore the house down new people moved in across the street and they told them that the fire was started when my meth lab blew up! Over the past year I have become good friends with these people and they told me this when they hired me to overhaul their yard. I almost didn't get the job except their next door neighbor, Julie McGuire is a good friend as well as the daughter of my sophomore Encina High School English teacher (I've lived in this neighborhood almost 58 years - I know everyone...), set them straight when she heard of this. They also claimed I was dealing drugs and other criminal activities of which they were wrong in each and all of their accusations. Maybe a lawsuit will remedy this the most effectual way...

Just before they were set to tear the house down they came in and faked - yes, faked! - an asbestos test and claimed the house had it in it and there fore had to have a $15,000 clean up before being torn down. The reason I know they faked it, besides watching the kid that did the test, is that years ago when it was learned asbestos materials were used in the construction of Arden Manor houses we had the house checked and it was determined by people who know what they're talking about that there wasn't any asbestos used. It was brought to my attention that the wife of one of the code ass holes is also his supervisor at code enforcement and she either owned or has a business interest in the company that did the clean up. Isn't that called conflict of interest? And with the house torn down 2 weeks later it seems the evidence is gone. Maybe another lawsuit is in order...

But wait, there's more. The evidence really isn't gone. It appears that the demo crew didn't do what I know their contract called for since I was there when the bids were being taken that required ALL AND EVERYTHING INCLUDING THE FOUNDATION, DRIVEWAY, PATIO CEMENT WAS TO BE REMOVED! There are items, including cement from the patio, burred in the former backyard. I know because I dug it up. Is the word lawsuit coming to mind again?

Now let me put some thoughts in your head. If there was no asbestos in the house then $15,000 of MY MONEY was unnecessarily wasted I would conjecture because one supervisor and her code enforcement husband could make a nice chunk of change. Not to mention the employees of this company who spoke no English and scrambled the day I sat outside and yelled, "Federalles!" I thought it was cute and I don't have to be politically correct... Maybe not a lawsuit here but definitely a little negative press.

On the other hand if this asbestos thing was real then why wasn't it brought to my attention before I spent 16-months endangering my health in it. Surely, this wasn't a last minute thought they had. It would have been standard procedure to check for this at the beginning and not the end. There's a lot of mesothelioma  lawyers advertising their services all the time on tv. I won't even bring the "L" word up again...

To sum things up I'd like you to consider the facts here. I have lived at this address since 1963 and from 1955 when I was born to 1963 I lived at 1425 Morse Ave. less than a quarter of a mile away. I went to Thomas Edison Elementary, Jonas Salk Intermediate and Encina High Schools and American River College. There aren't but maybe 5 other people who have lived in this neighborhood longer than I have. I have been reduced to a homeless bum scrounging for cans and plastic to eat everyday. I was close to retirement at which time I would have obtained a reverse mortgage to supplement my Social Security so I could survive my last days comfortably. I'm surrounded with neighbors who like me and I like them. They rely on me to fix things for them as well as keep an eye out for their property. Not to be vain but I AM AN INTEGRAL PART of what made this area a desirable place to live, unlike the Morse Ave. apartments that brought ghetto to our neighborhood. Apartments that at one time were owned by a bunch of sheriff who invested in it for their retirements and were integral in it's downturn to a slum. And yet I've been destroyed by a couple of useless peons with a badge. A couple of garbage cops. That's all they are: GARBAGE COPS! I have nothing left to loose. And I've been honest in stating that I have a temper. And that I'm very angry. This is not a healthy mix. But it is a great formula for bypassing the lawsuits and going right to the passing out of justice and serving of punishment...

I used to wonder what pushed people to go postal. I found the answer to that mystery about 10-months ago...

Gregory Neukam

Subject: 1400 Keeney Way
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2013 17:43:31 -0800

Dear Ms. Peters:

I left out one important point. I got a letter telling me that the property would be auctioned of by the tax assessor on February 25, 2013. The minimum bid was listed at $78,500. I almost died laughing... Do they realize there is no house left? No walls, no foundation, no nothing. And now that they are aware of the possible toxic waste buried there the law states that any known issues with the property have to be told to potential buyers. FULL DISCLOSURE!!!

The sad part of it all is that if the dumb ass code nazis would have left the house like it was and stayed the hell away the property was worth about $50,000 and would have sold easily. I know because I had 2 parties ready to buy it until the idiots pulled up while I was talking to them BOTH TIMES! And it scared the buyers off. They both said they wouldn't get involved when the code bastards were involved. They had seen what kind of crap they pull. Like what the City of Sacramento Code criminals did to Mario Marino (I think that was his name) when they tore down his family home and they were caught taking bribes from developers that wanted the property. Kinda seems familiar to me...

And if the dumb fucks would have stayed out of my face the property would have sold, the tax man would have got his money, the liens would have been paid and I would of at least had enough money left to start over. Instead, everybody looses. Oh, except the crooked bastards that faked the toxic test and did an unnecessary over priced and poorly executed job. Its no wonder government is broke and this country is going down the tubes. Fowl people should be stoned or tarred and feathered like they used to do. I'm sure you don't really care. I have no address now so I can't even vote against you, let alone support you. Doesn't it scare you that these are all signs of a civilization in decline? Look at the Romans, the Greeks, the Ottoman Empire, the czarist Russians, the Jews in Biblical times, etc. Because of nobody trying to right the wrongs they all failed. And America will follow what history has shown us is inevitable. There is no perfect system because they all have the one flaw that ensures failure. The human factor. Greed and corruption. Abuse of power. The state always fails in the end. I just didn't ever think that I would be so close to the failures of society. This experience has taught me to be more sympathetic to the "nuts" who have been guilty of trying to fight back in their extreme fashions. Ted may have been more right than I would ever have given him credit for. Its sick. Just like the system that stole my future.

Gregory Neukam

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