
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

What the fuck????

December 31, 2013

"Let Her Blow Baby!!!"

I sit waiting out the final few hours of a really strange year. In less than 24 hours I've gone from one extreme to another, then back and still back again no les than 3 complete times. Forgive me if I've grown a bit queasy and wanted to puke a few times. And now my feet stink, I know because with them firmly embedded in my mouth they are in close proximity to my ample proboscis I should know. From glorius bliss to utter despair. All the way up or down to the deepest of depths. Yes, all at once its so great you want to just explode to near fatal despair cause its all gone now, not even the illusion. So what's it gonna be? 2014 in bliss and wonder or the slam up the side of the head filled with doom de la gloom... Either way its just one way to go, "Let her blow Baby, let her blow!"

Oh no! We're doomed!

December 31, 2013

Here Comes The End...

Yes, it's a coming....the end of the year 2013. Time for the old year to go out as we welcome in the new one. That would be 2014. Some found '13 rather a lucky year and for them it may be lucky '14 to follow. Some of us may have found that the end of '13 held some luck and I know that I can say for sure that the New Year is coming as I will to start the last day of the end of the year.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

December 25, 2013

Christmas Sums Each Thyme Corn Ear...

Its just another day each year like all the others and even others farther near. Maybe no one has big ears of corn whose sounds are sweet and buttered, then sea salted.

Listen again in the hours so still for the sound of those reindeer that old Santa does steer. His shiny old skool sleigh glides gently upon the roof's peaks the floats off and up high into ethereal worlds. His body is covered in some red velvet with white frill. He flew the same route just like every year. The route he has chosen in countless past years. A not secret terrestrial trail traversed totally after darkness no headlights and no fear. Diving down the chimney is the way he gets shit done quick and he's off next to the next served this year. He dreads leaving coal lumps for the bad kid who now wakes up without gifts left that were waiting for jolly Clause 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The darkness of last night breaks through...

December 22, 2013

To A Brighter Day...

As the night was full of nasty gloom, anger and fear gripped each of our souls. Much was said and much more was told. The fighting is done, the pent up emotions were freed and all the years turmoil released into the darkness of night. And then a calm came upon us as sleep took a hold. Words gave way to thoughts, thoughts led to dreams and our bodies rested while our soul was renewed. And the coming of the dawn brought it all back in view. More clear in the day, more warmth came upon us as the sun rose up boldly stretching its rays of gold way far from view. Those rays of wonderful sunshine reached out far and wide and we stand on horizons our toes touching the sea of light with our backs on the darknes we look forward over the days journey set to take us afar and on through. Our destination again is nothing new. The night which will greet light as we step once again into darkness and pray that this time there will be comfort from gloom. Amen...

And then there are rare times, quite rare indeed, when strong morning light again pull off a night move. So quick is it done and out of the blue cause, a 180* directional reversal can peel your eyeballs right out of their glue. you'll see where you were going while going full throttle where you've never seen. It's like walking into a door being opened ...

But it's all good. Of course it is. Lucky it's over? Maybe so. But happy it's done? Not a bit. No amount of happy is worth a heart kicked all the way out of the socket. Could I not see it coming? Most surely but when? It must have been sooner or later. It was much much sooner and not near any later. So that's the way she goes. Or doesn't go. Or does go but doesn't. Dozens of times dozens plus dozens again. Oh well. It really doesn't matter, does it? I guess not or it wouldn't have mattered, would it?...

As it gets closer to Christmas it starts to slip away...

December 22, 2013

That Wonderful Christmas Miracle...

Only 3 days now until Christmas and in a year I felt would be the best Christmas there could be Saturday was more like the worst ever . A battle broke out between grandma and dauoghter and was witnessed  by child and aunt that resulted in the aunt at Kaise geting her head. It was a wonder The you                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Friday, December 20, 2013

Say it all or speak nothing...

December 20, 2013

You Still Can't Win...

Try to care and be concerned about someone who is bound and determined that she is going to be right no matter how wrong that is and you don't have a chance and you never can win. There never is anything to say when everything you say is nothing and yet nothing is too much to say.

Instead of just telling you their scared they will loose someone they have focused their entire life on and made major changes in order to protect them. Yes, you may have to let go of them but you will never loose them unless you push them away. Don't you see what your doing when you yell and scream at them and claim it's because you love them its why you do it? Maybe, just maybe, if you stop being angry at them and just hugged them and said you loved them - that's all - you loved them and hoped that they loved you, too. And that was what was important. That was all important then you would see that that was all it was in a nut shell: Love and love alone was all that it was and all it will ever be. Maybe you would see that you don't have to do a damned thing and it would all be alright. That no matter what happened it would always be. That no matter what trials you will face, win, loose or draw it will always be the same. Even miles apart you will always love them and they will definitely love you. It will never change even after all has passed, even after your life ends and your dust in the wind. That love will always be there and continue on and on.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

How could you ask...

December 12, 2013

Is There A God?

Having lived on this planet a good number of years, and survived nearly all of them, I've been witness to some very peculiar incidents and strange phenomena, along with the very mundane and semi-normal days, weeks, months and years. As grand and exciting as the former were its the latter  I think I've come to prefer. I have survived so many things that should have ended my life or left me crippled, a vegetable, limbless, listless, loony or worse. A tumor in the summer between 3rd grade and 4th, a cracked skull a few years before (some say "Ah hah!, that's why he's nuts!!", motorcyle crashes too numerous to count, a high-speed auto wreck at 23 when I broke my neck and my hip, half a dozen more wrecks in just the following 18-months, a crazy biker at the river with a Ruger 225 cracking my head with the barrel and emptying the clip as I dove off a cliff missing the water and landing first on the sand before rolling in the water and seeing the bullets leave trails in the water but never striking the target (me!) - thank God!!! - and a wild ride in my Dodge van on the Interstate from Tracy to the Altamont Pass in thick fog at 110mph just to see if God was with me still (children should never attempt these stunts at home or away), another 110 run in the same van on I5 in Oregon with the Moody Blues' Question  wide open to drown the screams of a hitchhiker who wanted out which he did at 15mph when I pulled off for gas...

Those are just a sample of things most people can't believe and as exaggerated as they sound they are mostly understated, believe it or not!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Even after 36 years...

December 11, 2013

Some Days Are Special...

It was 36  years ago on December 11 a special person entered my life. Our lives began to merge that day and were to become one but events took place that ended the relationship after a few years. Over time we became friends again and then lost touch for a dozen years or so. A Google search brought us back in touch as she was in Texas and I was still in California. we continued to email and text periodically and still do on rare occasions. She has since returned to California but haven't been in contact. I think about her now and again but I'm not consumed with thoughts of her like in the early days. Funny how you let go sometime along the way. A lot has happened in both of our lives and a lot more will happen before the end. But December 11 will always warm my heart and I'll remember the drive-in movies, the popcorn, sunflower seeds and sunflower sweater, Mr. Wiggle, socks, Doug "The Wheelie King" Domokos, Mazda RX7's, Mork & Mindy, 3's Company, Monterrey, hernias in the mud, a special ring and the Surf motel. Oh the memories still make me smile.

Well, Shelley, Happy Anniversary and remember to say a prayer for Carissa and have a Merry Christmas and the same for the New Year. Maybe time has come again and love is in the wind but it was you who first made them all come true. I love you still but in a much different way. I only hope the love in today's wind will be as passionate and long lasting as ours. It would make for a truly happy end of the story. I pray that it is...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It can be so hard to see it...

December 2, 2013

When Its Right There...

I had the pleasure of helping a youngster who lives with his grandmother decorate the house for Christmas and it was a great reminder of what Christmas is supposed to be about and how the simple things really do mean more than anything else. We hung lights on the house, set up the Elmo blow-up balloon, went and got a tree, etc. And it put a smile on this 9-year old child's face that was worth a million bucks. He's with his grandmother while his mother gets her life sorted out and back on track. And as a surprise, she is going to show up on Christmas morning in a big box left at the door. After the wonderful time I had this past weekend I can't wait to see his face that day. Its been over 2 years since he's seen his mom and he really misses her, of course. This could be the best Christmas I'll ever remember as I watch from the sideline as the two are reunited. I'll have to write more on this later but I have some things to do first...

And as an added bonus his grandmother has gotten her Christmas spirit back and has gone all out putting all this into motion. And when grandma gets the mistletoe toe posted in the right place I think I'll hold her under it for a few days and get into the Christmas spirit as well. WOW! No, WOWOWOW!!! 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

It1s most assuadely... nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

December 1, 2013

Recember Dismember...

I am constantly reminded just why I hate - really and truly HATE! - The Sacramento County Code Enforcement. So many holiday activities and rituals being practiced now that keep jogging the "banks" and re purposing a plethora of old family remembrances accompanied with the emotional  roller coaster ride.

And I keep falling asleep so I am surrendering...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Friday, November 29, 2013

When a turkey gets stuffed it sounds like...

November 29, 2013


Kind of a different Thanksgiving yesterday. I spent the day working on a few motor home issues and just wandering around the property remembering past holidays with my family when there was a house here. It just isn't right when the gravity of what Code Enforcement stole from me begins to weigh heavy on those cherished memories. It just isn't right. And those responsible (i.e.  Munoz, Perez, Chamberlain, etc.) need to be held accountable for their actions and those who were told of the situation and did nothing (i.e. Sacramento County Sheriff, Susan Peters, state and federal EPA, etc.) should be reprimanded. And the entire incidence should be exposed in the news media.

The problem is that Sacramento County is a crooked bunch of thieves and they get away with too much trampling on people's rights. So I will find my own way of evening the score...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Thursday, November 28, 2013

I only want to tell Sacramento County, especially Code Enforcement and Susan Peters...

November 28, 2013

Thanks Turkey...

With the holiday season upon us I look at all the things that I've experienced over the past few years and how Sacramento County Code Enforcement is a dominant force contributing to all the negative crap that has overshadowed my life in this time. On this note I wish to express my sincere gratitude to them by saying, "Thanks you fucking turkey(s)!" 

Monday, November 25, 2013

And when time does end...

November 25, 2013

There's No One There To Know It...

Time marches on and on and on... At least it has thus far for a very long, long time - or so they say... Who knows... Maybe time started the moment you first became conscious of time... Your frrst moment sparked the onset of time... It wasn't there before... When you began, it began... You can't prove it was there with out you... How could there be time and you weren't aware it was there... If it all began when you began then you began time... Your time began so all time began as no time ended... With the end of no time all time set forth towards the end of time... But your time beginning meant no time ended so that was the end of time... And if time's goal is the end of time that time has passed and time, there fore, is moving to it's end when the end was it's beginning that has already gone as the end comes never because time can;t go back. It marches forward towards it's end getting farther away not closer tto it's goal... And it can never go back so it goes forth getting farther away the closer it gets... So far the end of time has failed to materialize even though it already has... And when it finally gets there where it's already been time will be done as no time begins... And time is now no time and there is no one there to know it unless your time begins when no time has ended,,, 

Friday, November 22, 2013

When you look at life today you see...

November 22, 2013

What A Farce It Is...

The fire chief in Loomis is collecting a pension from Alameda of $140,000 added to his $61,000 pay a chief and he's on the town council! First off, you don't draw a pension until you retire and you retire in your 60's. That's the way it should be. And I don't care what kind of fireman he was (is) $140,000 is way too much. No wonder this country is going broke and falling apart. There never should have been a deal made that would allow that kind of money be paid to someone - anyone! - especially not until at least 60 years old. And nobody should be double-dipping and have others backing him saying he is part time and his position is temporary or what ever so he can do it. Public Service careers should not be so lucrative. I'm sorry but it's no wonder the country is in the shits.

And public agencies that are allowed to do what Code Enforcement did to me and are enabled by good-for-nothing superiors and worthless County Supervisors as well as dumber that dick snot sheriff deputies are also proof that mediocrity is the new normal. Sure gives me an optimistic outlook...

Thursday, November 21, 2013

I just have to say it...

November 21, 2013

Fuck Off Bastards...

I am so fed up with the rotten pieces  of shit that work for Sacramento County that I'm close to extracting my revenge for the bull shit that Code Enforcement pulled when they tore my house down and they continued their harassment up to this day. And the real astonishing part is that they can get away with it with no consequences. There is no justice when county officials ignore the crimes their own members commit and won't even acknowledge my complaints. All the times I contacted Susan "Pea Brain" Peters and she won't even contact me personally to try to mediate a remedy even a politician's tainted all words and no action excuse. Code Enforcement committed numerous crimes against me and my property and the sheriff won't do squat on my behalf. A bunch of arrogant pigs is all they are.

And they continue to fuck me over now with the motor home I have on my property that I need to take parts from to use on the one I use before it gets hauled to the scrap yard. It's parked on an empty lot - empty because the fucking idiots tore the house down! - and isn't hurting anyone or anything yet the CHP, the sheriff and Code Enforcement have wasted countless time and resources writing citations and all the other crap they do because it's another way to fuck me over. That's bull shit and they know it! Well, they think that motor home is a problem... wait and see what comes next! They are going to have their filthy little hands full of surprises from this day forth.

I have so many things now planned that they will have at least 2 new things a day to deal with. They have a problem with eye sores then I will make their eyes so sore they'll go blind! They have a problem with my motor home... how about 20 of them? They don't like me staying on my property? How does Sacramento Safe Ground North sound? Those are only the simple things...

They will have so many things to deal with they will have to create a whole new department just to deal with my property. I will give them so much to deal with that the county will be screaming in anguish. I have no respect for any of them any more. Respect needs to be earned and they are not capable of the kind of work necessary to earn my respect. I will take from them all that they took from me. They will learn that there is a price to be paid for the wrong actions they took. They tore my house down and they scattered my belongings and my mother's ashes on the floor... what do you think I will do to their's?

I don't give a rat's ass any more. They destroyed my life and my future. They will hate their future...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 19, 2013

I See Why So...

There just has to be a puny, little 2-faced snitch-bitch, weenie-meal, dog shit breath, Lillie liver douche bag causing strife since they can't see the real picture , no doubt of course to the preconceived notions in his tiny little cranium jaded by the mass media stereotypical characters portrayed in popular culture today that surely have him confused and unsure what's really going on!

And just what is going on? Of course this would be from where I sit that I sees what I sees And I seen a pair of CHP drive up behind motor home #1 while I was removing parts from #2 to put on #1 and informed me that they had a complaint call about an RV blocking a driveway. I said that sounds kinda like that would be me, since the back of #1 was 3 feet into Mrs. Nichols driveway. And taking into account that Mrs. Nichols is 90-something and it was almost 10:00pm, a time of night that I have never seen her get in her car to drive anywhere (and I've lived next door to her for a half a century) that I seriously doubt that she called and I doubted more seriously now that since there was still room for her to back out past the RV where was the problem?

They told me to just park up in the yard next time and it would all be good... So when Code Enforcement comes on the hunt I just tell 'em the Highway Patrol told me to park here. Can't disobey a peace officer, right?

So every body gets a big waste of time to accomplish absolutely nothing. Just like the 2 sheriff who were called 2 nights prior to this. And this is likely from a Neighborhood Association busy-body with a heart full of hate and a head full of delusions. This is one real-life, bona fide, card carrying, official, A #1, primo Captain America who is bent on saving the neighborhood first... and then the whole wide World. Right before your eyes. Can you believe it? I'll bet you can...

And even though I see what I see there seems no answer for why it is so...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

All I can say is...

November 13, 2013

So What?

It isn't a surprise at all but Parking Enforcement doesn't seem to like my second motor home parked in front of my property. It shouldn't be parked there but I knew if I put it on the property Code Enforcement would come unglued and tow it even though it would be perfectly fine there. It's non-oped and nobody is living in it yet the ass holes would have to make a big deal out of it and I don't have time to deal with their bull shit. So they put another ticket on it and next they'll want to tow it. I'm trying to get the parts I need off it and then it's going to the scrap yard. Just haven't had the time to get the last few things I need removed. Maybe in the morning I can deal with it and call the junker to come haul it off. Besides the parts the cash I can get for junking it can pay the bill I have with the court over the bull shit fines. $500 worth for one of the bogus charges the last couple of years. Even though the last time I was in court I asked that all the fines and charges they had got bundled together so that when I left jail everything would be done. Again, they lied...

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Why would you ask me...

November 9, 2013

Is It Still Summer?

The forecast had a little rain in the near future but thus far it's eluded us. Predicting the weather with all the computer models and satellite imagery is just as unreliable as it was when granny had her cricket in a matchbox. Its just one of those years we get every 10 or 12 years when the weather is wonderful into December and then we get some monster storms to start things off and the storm systems continue in quick succession through January and into February. March goes back and forth with the traditional April showers into May flowers and Spring... By June it's hotter than the July fireworks with no water August confirming the drought talk. September and October are cooler than norm as Halloween brings us some rain. And more rain... And more... Floods take over where dry and dusty once stood. Then all the wanna be dam builders sign in and life goes on and on... Or not...

When its all said and done water rates go up, some entity gets a ton of money for a feasibility study concerning Sucky Ducky Valley Reservoir and Resort plus Condominium City development. And the enviro-greenies get involved demanding Federal protection for an endangered moth/fly/bird/wolf/fish-hybrid that only mutates in dry Sucky Ducky Valley. Then Fish & Game shoots a reality series on how they bust  moth/fly/bird/wolf/fish-hybrid poachers.And the History channel has a huge special tracing the freakish creatures origins back to the Dead Sea Scrolls with claims it was the main course at the Last Supper and demonstrating the technique reclusive Monks employed to make a rippin' red wine from the blood of the moth/fly/bird/wolf/fish-hybrid...

The possibilities are endless and so goes time...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is that snot running from your nose and heading to your mouth for...

October 28, 2013

A Taste Of Winter...

Winter is not my favorite season of the year any more since being homeless its tough to stay dry and impossible to reach any comfort level. And since I don't have a motocross bike I can't enjoy a good mud ride where you rarely get hurt because the speeds aren't as fast as in the dry and the mud cushions the ground and lets you just slid for days! Oh yeah! All that riding on the edge and the bumps and slams and tumbles are the reason for some of the arthritis I can use as another example of  Why I don't like Winter! Whatever... Suffice it to say that "I DON'T LIKE THE WINTER!

That howling wind night before last was a very graphic season change indicator. In the matter of 5 or 6 hours one could feel the clinging heat of Summer let go its grip as the chill of Winter rushed upon us sending in a dull numbness that only Spring can cure...

The optimism that summer seems to promote give's way as that impending doom cloud seems to lurk over head. More hours in darkness than light. Indoors too much resulting in the dreaded cabin fever. No two ways about it: I Don't Like Winter!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

This time last...

October 23, 2013


Next week it will be one year since I acquired the Chevy Komfort motor home. Wow! The year went by quick! Of course, they all do now, or so it seems. And while some things have gotten a bit better there still is so much not right and should have never happened in the first place that it over shadows all the positive. I waste too much time, effort and money running the motor home in circles to keep it from drawing fire from the idiot squad that could have been spent improving the vehicle and making it road worthy as well as dependable. It should be parked on the property and all the gas savings alone would add up fast. Such a pile of shit Code Enforcement has made of my living arrangements and they get away with robbery again...

All the wrongs that Code Enforcement was guilty of and I blew the whistle on and the worthless elected entities who should have launched an investigation and exposed the crooks yet all they want is to keep things hush, hush. Shame on their corrupt souls. Shame, shame, shame!

Sacramento County has become such a shit hole of government and the ones elected to watch out for our interests are useless. They don't want to do a good job. They just want to look good doing nothing. I'm quite sure they failed on both accounts.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Veggies are great but...

October 19, 2013

Where's The Beef?

Wendy's had Margret Peller in the 80's asking everyone, "Where's the beef?" They also had square hamburger patties back then, too. And OJ Simpson was still running through airports for Avis wearing Dingo cowboy boots.

Another 80's feature was Kirk Breed running CalExpo State Fair and Exhibition wearing the boots and sporting the hat to compliment the Oklahoma cowboy who just recently passed away. I remember Lee and I crashing the press luncheon for the Neil Young concert which was the inaugural event for the Bill Graham Amphitheater at The CalExpo site. I guess I was especially bold that day as I marched right up to Kirk's table, introduced myself, saw an empty chair and then rhetorically asked, "Is this seat taken? Mind if I sit here? Hey, Lee! Grab a chair and bring it up here!" Following that brazen act I went right after Kirk cutting right to the heart of why I was there which was to some way get the legendary Bushy Lake Motocross track operating again. Considering the controversy surrounding the environmentally protected nature area just over the levee on the southwest side of the fairgrounds toward the American River.

The controversy shrouding this area and Mr. Breed was almost a career killer. After one major MX event in the early seventies and a hand full of local AMA/District 36 races the track was shut down followed by Kirk Breed's in-your-face move of cutting down some oak trees and cotton woods in the woods surrounding the pond-size "lake" thereby disrupting the habitat of the federally-protected Cotton Tail Deer species along with a coyote or fox that is native to the area and I think there were turtles involved as well as some flora and fauna. The Eco-freaks were especially vocal at that time and shit hit the fan with Breed taking it full force to the face and Governor Jerry Brown (his first tenure) catching some blow-by as the press fueled the flames.

I informed Kirk that I wanted to promote some events at the Bushy Lake facility and would like to know if this was a real possibility or not. He exclaimed, "Well anythings possible, son! Ya' just gotta wanta do it enough!" By the time the luncheon was over with Kirk and I were best of friends with his people going to get in touch with my people and we'd do lunch again real soon...

The only times our paths ever crossed again was at the press luncheon for the Sacramento Mile and the first two CalExpo Stadium Cross events that I co-announced. Before I ever promoted any CalExpo event I ended up walking away from the evolving sport of motocross. Nowadays it's Supercross and the hybrid Extreme MX with back-flips, front flips and a myriad of Ariel Acrobatics that dominate the attention in the sport. Once I knew them all and where they came from and how they got there and sometimes even where they were headed. Now I can't even tell you what the classes are...

Some times the changes are good; sometimes there for the good. And other times the changes are good for nothing...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Is that a pick-a-nick basket...

October 8, 2013

Hey, Hey, Hey Boo Boo...

When I was a kid I remember this neighborhood was the best place to live because it had everything required to enjoy being a kid. The park around the corner, the Junior High School down at the end of the street, a ton of empty lots and fields for days, so many friends you could play with someone different every day and not see the same ones for a month. And the American River was only a mile or two away where you could ride your bike on the trails and, later, your mini bike and then motorcycle. Always something going on and new things happening every day.

And look what progress has brought us: The bike trail ended the dirt biking at the river, all the fields filled up with apartments or businesses, most of the people grew up and moved away, the park got all sanitized and now high-tech monitors tell you when its too late to be there and the Junior High School became the Elementary School that was moved there from next to the park. And those apartments that were built in the 60's on Morse Avenue went from being clean and stylish (for the times) to slummy and full of trash (not their dumpsters, their residents!). And a lot of the houses were bought up by rental agencies, property management groups and wanna-be better than everyone else types.

The latter group seemed to be the ones who formed associations and committees and such and elected themselves to the jobs of neighborhood moral-masters out to save the area from all the terrible crimes they perceived to be happening everywhere. They all got their secret decoder rings and went into the secret spy business and got a hold of Maxwell Smart shoe phones and put the sheriff and code enforcement in their speed dial buttons and then whenever they saw something they didn't quite like or agree with or that made them suspicious they drew their own conclusions, started rumors with their gossip and began accusing others of crimes that weren't happening...

Generally, if some one had a lot of visitors stopping by they were guilty of dealing drugs. If some one worked on cars or bikes a lot he had a chop shop. And the ones that found some extra cash scrapping the metals that could be found around the neighborhood was a copper thief. Then by constantly badgering the authorities they could make them the subject of the monthly meetings. That's where a few vocal paranoids bitch about any body they judge unworthy of their respect and they dream up ways to harm them and drive them from the area. They succeed way too many times since the officials that attend these get-togethers are just there to play politics and appease these social retards.

The real sad part is that there are a couple who seem to take themselves way too serious and they get aggressive toward their victims and break more laws than those they accused of being criminals. Like the bleach blonde in the gray Chevy Tahoe that lives on Maison and Roena that rudely and aggressively rode up on my ass last week and somehow found fault with my driving 15mph on a narrow residential street with parked cars on both sides and garbage containers still on the street. Isn't that special? Did the bleach cause brain damage? Maybe the Botox was injected too deep. Or the doctor pulled the skin too tight when he did the face lift. She should have opted for the tit lift to remove the nipples from her knees... 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 8, 2013

Zesty Yes...

I now have two, count 'em, two motor homes. I picked up the second one a couple of days ago. It's a 1978 Pace Arrow 26' long with the same chassis and power train as my Komfort. Though it was well maintained it is still 10 years older and has way, way more miles on it. It's been across the country numerous times - at least 3 trips to Florida and a couple to South Carolina that I'm aware of on top of up and down the west coast umpteen zillion times. It was the touring vehicle used by the Favaro Sisters, four sisters that were compared to the Osmond Family that I met back in 1985 when I was Stage Manager/Emcee at the Nevada County Fair in Grass Valley.

At first I was going to switch to it as my home on wheels but I think I'd rather use the parts off of it on the Komfort and then sell the Pace Arrow or trade it for a truck or small economical car. It has 6 near-new Michelin tires and both air conditioners on the roof work so I could use one on the Komfort. And the transmission - a Turbohydro 400 - was rebuilt not too many miles ago. The coach door is in perfect shape and is the same as the other RV's door. And I could sell the Onan generator for a good price. I wish I could take the outer skin and swap it as it's the durable aluminum and not the FRP I have on the other vehicle. And the rear cowl is a one-piece molded fiberglass unit but that may be going a bit too far. A lot of things can be swapped that need to be repaired. And the thing I like the most but can't be traded is the superior layout that features the bathroom shower at the very rear of the unit and much better use of the space inside to create a better more spacious feel. It sleeps six easily and the kitchen has more room. It does have a problem with the roof leaking but that could be repaired.

Well, something will happen and it should happen soon. I just have to decide which option to choose and get to it.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

You gotta know where you are if your...

October 6, 2013

In It, On It, Around & Through It...

Once when the house was still on the property and I had rented a room to a friend she created such a problem that I had to tell her to move. I said "rented" but she didn't have any money or job so she was staying at the house for free. She was supposed to be looking for a job every day but she was pretty much an alcoholic so when I left for work she cracked open the vodka and got drunk. I'd come home to a house full of people, a few I didn't want in my house at all, and she had trouble grasping the concept that I didn't want certain people at my house when I was here so I surely didn't want them there when I wasn't!

I remember the day I told her she had to move out because she was so mad about my locking her out that she broke 7 windows out and then tried to light the house on fire!!! She was a mess and, unfortunately, a few years later she died of causes related to alcohol abuse. I really do miss Cheri and had high hopes that she would conquer her demons and the addiction to liquor. But it didn't work out that way I'm sorry to report...

And then there was Bo, the first person I let move into my house. She did pay rent and except for her extreme electrical consumption she wasn't a terribly bad renter. The excess power drain was the breaker though and she had to go and another sad ending was that after getting her act together, earning a Class 1 driver's license and driving trucks she, too, died from some mysterious disease. I still see her son occasionally but I miss her as well.

Then there was Paul, a former Olympic swimmer who was Mark Spitz team mate when Mark won his record 7 Gold Medals in Mexico. Or was it 5 in Mexico and 7 in Germany 4-years later? Any way, Paul was disqualified from the Olympics because he was a life guard on weekends at the swim club he competed for and since he was paid or actually received membership in the club in exchange for his duties the USOC considered him a "professional" swimmer so he lost his spot on the team. I know it really hit him hard since he had devoted his youth to swimming in order to achieve the goal of competing at the Olympics. Paul was a master carpenter who was a perfectionist with great talent in wood craft. He had a heart attack about a year and a half ago and died at the hospital. He wasn't quite 60-years-old. Paul was going to assist me in rebuilding my house and thought the idiots who wanted to tear it down were crazy. I really miss Paul's level headed view on things...

About a month after Paul's death my friend John lost his life due to diabetes brought on by alcohol abuse. I was at his house working on his dad's van the night he fell 3 times and I had to help him up and finally into his bed. The next day an ambulance transported him to the hospital where he slipped into a coma and within a week his life had come to an end. John was a witness to the damage Code Enforcement did when they trashed my house and dumped my mother's ashes on the floor. John was there for me so many times during the 16-months from fire to demolition and he really understood what I was going through since he and his life-long companion Kathy had suffered through a house fire that cost him dearly as well. I'll always miss the sound of his Harley Low-rider rumbling up day or night, wind, rain or sunshine...

It seems so strange that in such a short time so many people left my life never to return. I have the memories but even as time fades those memories I will never completely forget the friends I've known. I have many friends still and know I'll make a few more along the way but I said my good-byes to those who are gone and look forward to the hellos yet to be said...

Saturday, October 5, 2013

She wanders the neighborhood looking just...

October 5, 2013

Like A Bag Lady...

Kind of funny seeing this aging hippie-type bitch walking down Morse as Xzy and I biked to MacDonald's for breakfast. She looked like an old bag lady out rummaging through the dumpsters. Her attire was definitely Che`Garbage and that smirk on her face said so much. I recognized her as 1313 Sebastian, the emailer from the AMNA. Funny how she doesn't even walk over here on this street all the way across Morse yet she is so interested in what goes on, even if she has no idea what's going on. Yet she draws incorrect conclusions and then spreads lies, rumors, innuendo and other assorted non-facts and makes herself feel important. It gives her purpose in life. Only problem is that her gossip mixed with a few other nosy busy body do-no-gooders were what a couple of idiot Code Nazis used as the basis for tearing my house down. And, of course, I forgive her her sins (the Lord don't like them gossip mongers!) and will just let it go at that... Yeah, right!!!

The big gossip was there was so much traffic at my house I must be selling drugs and since I was hauling stuff salvaged from the fire ravaged house then I must be out there stealing copper and such. Wow! Great detective work there Patty Hearst. I think you must have taken way too many hits of 4-way acid and burned a lot of hash in the old brass pipe you assembled from lamp hardware you pocketed from Emeigh Hardware. The worst part is that the Sheriff that were at these meetings co-signed their slander and assisted the Code Nazis in this highly suspect activity! If all this illegal activity were taking place then the first thing to be done is the sheriff should be making some arrests and not just dragging me out of my house for old traffic warrants or for "disobeying a notice or order" by living in my damaged house.

It seems that the local constabulary are so determined to prove that they are doing good work in the neighborhoods that they don't care what is going on and they'll just let a few vocal vigilantes call the shots and commit serious crimes against innocent victims so they won't get them calling them all the time to complain. If there was drug dealing and copper theft going on then they should have made some arrests to justify what the idiots were asserting.

And the Code Enforcement crack-heads telling Dave and Mandi "my meth lab blew up and caused the fire" was another slanderous assault that any moron could see was a lie. If there was a meth lab and it blew up the entire area would have been evacuated and I sure wouldn't have been free to roam the streets. There would have been a Hazardous Clean Up a lot more insense than the undocumented fools that were used for the sham that went down almost 2 years ago.

So tell me this? Who was the victim and who perpetrated the biggest crime? The criminals were many and some wore badges while others wielded cell phones and called in false reports. And I was the victim...

Thursday, October 3, 2013

It sure gets spooky when...

October 2, 2013

October Begins...

October begins and the spooks all come in and they wait until the last day for fun. It gets scary at times but its always the norm that this month ends with Halloween night. Its when costumes disguise and knocks at the door can mean tricks wanting treats or maybe some one really wants more. Other times there is no knock while still others there's nothing at all.

I really don't like October. Its been when more bad things have happened to me then good. First, its the time when the seasons change from the warm end of summer to the cold approaching winter. Its also the month that my house caught on fire, my oldest sister Deanna died and my mom passed away. Not what I consider fond memories to keep me warm and cozy. As far as October goes I think it sucks.

So for the remainder of the month - another 4 weeks - I won't likely find much to be happy about. Not that any of the months in the past few years have been much of a joy. But at least life during the other months doesn't add so much sorrow and pain. Just the usual misery of trying to survive while a bunch of neighborhood busy bodies stalk my every move and play tattle tale with code enforcement and the sheriff. Though now I am fully aware of their petty little bull shit and plan on giving them plenty to keep their feeble minds working over time. Let them snoop and take their pictures and draw inane conclusions for what they think they see. Let them call the county supervisor and drag her into their petty little game. They will all think they've really got some major incident to report and they'll have the sheriff running ragged chasing their own tails when, in the end, they will be turning themselves in and they will have only themselves to blame for the "crime". Setting them up, so to speak, for the surprise they all will never expect. Kinda like pointing their fingers in a mirror. A little game of one on none.

With that let the tricks begin while I enjoy the treats of revenge...

Monday, September 30, 2013

Just watch the way they behave and see...

September 30, 2013

What Hypocrites They Are...

I borrowed a friends car, an older Toyota, to take care of a few things and was on my way home when I took Berkshire to swing by my property. I remembered something I needed to do so I drove past Keeney and stopped at the Maison 4-way stop sign. After the intersection I noticed in my mirror the grill of Chevy Tahoe SUV - the grill and nothing but the grill, mind you! I was going 20 miles an hour on this residential street yet here was this cunt riding my ass! That's right...C-U-N-T, cunt! I was eating my caramel Sundae from Dairy Queen so I pulled to the right and tossed my nearly empty cup out the window and into her path. I didn't land it on her hood, as I wanted to, but when it flew in her path she got the message. Well that and the fact that I yelled, "Get the fuck off my ass!" And I know I can yell better than most so she heard it. This prompted her to slow down and roll the window down exclaiming, "Greg, you were doing 15mph..."

The fact that she knew my name proved she was one of the Arden Manor Nosey Do-Gooders That Are Up To No Good! She was on her cell phone - yes, while driving and tailgating and told the caller how, "This guy's doing 15 miles an hour, blah, blah, blah..." Last I remember that isn't a crime but the preferred speed to travel down a residential street as narrow as these streets are what with people leaving their garbage cans out on the street all the time! Oh, and I almost forgot the best part. She piped something about I didn't even have a license. Wrong, bitch...and she was definitely a bitch and I suspect was under the influence of alcohol or drugs or something. After all, in this neighborhood anyone who does anything out of the norm is drunk, high or selling drugs. Unless there was a house fire involved at which time you were cooking meth in your lab and it blew up!

You know, this was always a good neighborhood without much crime and it was relatively quiet and peaceful and people were friendly and didn't stick their noses up everyone's ass and start judging there every move. Then 2 things changed all of that: The apartments on Morse Avenue turned low income and a bunch of yuppie wanna-bees swarmed into the neighborhood and decided things needed to change. Fuck them all! I think the yuppies should go hang out in the apartments and play sleuth with the gang bangers and the problem would get solved. The gang boys would kill the yuppies and then end up in jail. Yuppies gone and gang boys out of commission. That's what they call poetic justice. And I think this world, or at least Arden Manor, needs a few more poets to improve the life's we live. With the exceptions of the dead yuppie association. See, God does have a plan. Just gotta let it run it's course.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

If the things they do are for good then...

September 29, 2013

What Are They So Afraid Of?

I was just having a conversation with 3 of my neighbors. As in "neighbors" I mean people who actually live near me. Not 3 streets over or on the other side of Morse or own a house nearby but live somewhere else. These 3 all live right by me. As in when one hears a noise at night in their back yard they call me and I check it out. As in when their drain backs up in the bathtub they ask me to do something. As in when their lawn needs mowing I do it for them. As in when they need a cigarette and have none they ask me and I give them one. As in when they have a barbecue they tell me to come over and get a plate. Or when their dishwasher breaks they ask if I know how to fix it and 2 days later the parts show up and it works again. As in neighbors!

Anyway, we were discussing the latest issue of the totally awesome and all encompassing Arden Manor Neighborhood Association who have appointed themselves saviors of the area. You know the ones - oh, wait... You probably don't know the ones since everything they do is faceless. They make anonymous calls and create problems where there are none. They are the do gooders that do no good. They are the ones who hole up inside their houses cowering in fear at the evil world outside that's coming to get them. You know now... the fucking worthless idiots! Like 2-face Lisa whose brother Raul roamed the neighborhood high on meth stealing whatever he could get his hands on and sleeping in the bushes in any yard that he was near when he got tired. Or Reno the little senile Italian who, as a teen in Italy during WWII got hit by shrapnel and still has some in his leg and was mad about it so he cut Allied forces communication lines endangering and/or costing Americans their lives (i.e. Nazi sympathizer!). Or Judy who had her "son-in-law" living at her house as he was selling meth out her bedroom window - and her sister is a sheriff! Wow! Extra special people...

Well it seems they still want to cause problems for me. All these lazy ass do-gooders who not one of them ever offered their help after my fire. Not one of them lifted a finger except maybe to dial the phone with a piddly ass complaint. Well now it's their turn to be on Front Street! Yes it is. So as the days go by here heading into the winter months I will have a little story about each and everyone of them to share with all. So everyone will know who is who and what they do and what they've done. I don't do anonymous and soon, neither will they!!! Life has so much more coming and I look forward to the sharing experience.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

If what your doing isn't wrong then...

September 28, 2013

Why Lie?

I was thinking about an incident that took place 2 years ago when I went to the hearing downtown with Code Enforcement when Munoz was sworn in to testify except he was sworn in as Barry Chamberlain. I even brought it up when it was my turn to question him. He appeared a little uneasy at the question but never denied or admitted to it. It seemed to me to be rather odd and I never got the question answered. So just why would one claim to be the other? What purpose would it serve to lie. So if they weren't doing something wrong then why the big lie? Was it a way to discredit me by making it appear that I didn't know who was who? I knew what they were doing and it doesn't matter who was which one or not the other. What was strange was how the commissioner wasn't the least bit interested in my question and basically just ignored my inquiry. That was when I realized the entire hearing process was a sham. It was all predetermined what the outcome would be and they were just  going through the motions to say there was a hearing. A hearing where I wasn't heard and justice was blind while I could see clearly that it was all lip service. What's new there? What I point out here seems to fall on deaf ears...

Friday, September 27, 2013

Get your license to be...

September 26, 2013

Wet and Wild...

It's only minutes to Friday and miles to somewhere but there's a deep hole in my wallet that devours my cash. Without cash this RV could make it nowhere with the gas in my tank so I'll go nowhere, since I'm already there, and hope that someday I'll be lucky enough to go somewhere - ANYWHERE! - that's not here. Ya hear me?

I sure would like to get some kind of letter from the county stating that they received my claim form and are going to notify me when or if it gets rubber stamped. I would also like to contact the County Assessor's office and see what they are willing to do so I could get my property back under my name and then start planning the house I will erect on it. It would have been relatively easy if it wasn't for the extortionate fees Code Enforcement has levied to the property. It wouldn't be this way if the county required Code Enforcement officers to take an IQ test and score a positive numerical rating! Just because Munoz and Chamberlain had identical -64 scores doesn't mean the two negatives make a positive with an aggregate 128 grade...

The house across the street was recently bought by an investment company and they immediately put a for rent sign up and didn't even completely clean it up! Last Sunday the dork in the Volkswagen showed up at 6:45am and started messing around and did touch up on the peeling paint and stuff. But, my God, you would think they would paint the entire house inside and out so they would attract a more desirable tenant. It sure appears that this investment company is just a slum lord who will rent to anyone or anything they can get. And showing up at 6:45am and making a bunch of racket doesn't show me they give a rat's ass about the neighbors. Maybe the rat drives a Volkswagen - like the pig driving a Rabbit (VW) in the commercial...

Maybe Code Enforcement should be going to 1401 Keeney and doing a little snooping. And I thought all rentals had to be inspected by the county before they rent the property out? Funny how the county can come up with all these laws and regulations but they hire idiots to enforce them. Again, IQ tests should be given. They make students take tests to graduate from school.

Everything about the system indicates the rapid and prevalent decline of Western civilization. America may not become a Third World country but second rate seems to be the norm. And this crap about giving illegal emigrants drivers licenses is another flipping sign of idiotocracy at work. They worry more about non-citizens rights than they do about legal, law-abiding citizen's rights. The government never cared much about the native Indian's rights when they were stealing their land and forcing them onto reservations. Swimming the Rio Grande must be an entitlement test! Go swim across the Nile and try to get your camel jockey license...

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Little thought and...

September 25, 2013

The Big Picture

It seems that our lives are but a micro reflection of The Big Picture, as in the way the world is going. And, of course, it's that way for a reason. The Big Picture is how the world is as a whole; Popular opinion and the issues facing mankind. It's the collective state of mind and all. Just as our personal lives are influenced by the momentum that steers civilization This means that we can relate to the spirit of the world because we are that spirit...

By studying history we are able to better learn from the past and recognize where our future could take us. Sometimes our personal detours and obstacles lead us down paths that can isolate us from the world as a whole. And this estrangement divides us from the majority as our priorities become our own priorities as opposed to our, as in all of our, priorities.

(Too bad my battery is going dead because now I can't finish this and by the time I get back to it the point will be lost in time...)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Your into the black when your...

September 25, 2013

Out Of The Blue...

Doing a little inventory reveals I've run out of my blue! Maybe that means my bottom line is now into the black. But I can't really confirm this 'cause I won't look back. I put my foot to the floor now, with the motor revving, since it's better to burnout then to fade away. My, my, hey, hey...

This has nothing to do with anything, I suppose, but I had to mention it just because it was there. It should put some minds to work trying to find meaning in nothing. It is said that the work of the writer is to connect various, unconnected incidences into a meaningful thought. What a novel idea!

An airplane lands and a dog pees on a tree while the clerk rings up the sale as the man in Kentucky waters his blue grass. It's the real reason why Todd Rundgren just bangs on his drum all day. Hey, hey, my, my can rock-n-roll ever die????

As rock lives on today's blog has become so grave that the final breath comes before the first light becomes only mottled gray. Or is that grey, as in Sweet Lady Jane for her glorious 9 days. What a Zaney thought.

To win an all expense paid vacation for 8 days and 6 nights in the Bulgarian resort of your choice just connect all the dots...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Nuklear Neukam Test Site: MyHouseAfterFire.mp4

Nuklear Neukam Test Site: MyHouseAfterFire.mp4

How small?

September 24, 2013


Spent the day getting Jerry's yard set up and cleaned for tonight's Fund Raiser for Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones. Added 4 big round tables with 10 chairs at each one that he rented from Rent Rite. Felt a little like working at Zigattos again. Funny thing there is Jerry knows Steve pretty well. And there's that Disneyland tune playing in my head: "It's a small world, after all..."

A tinge of irony comes into the picture in that I'm setting up this party and, except maybe for the incident last week over the dumping on my property, most of the contact I've had with the sheriff has been for rides downtown that generally end up with me walking home late at night when they OR me! And when Code Enforcement shows up with their requisite pair of deputies at my property...

A little gripe I still hang onto is that when the Code Enforcement Storm Troopers illegally broke and entered my house and destroyed my personal property along with scattering my mother's ashes on the floor I wasn't allowed to file a complaint against the responsible parties. After all, they cut the lock on my gate and came inside tossing boxes on the floor, ripping my tarps down and tore the boards I had put up off the window and door openings and installed their own! Add vandalism and malicious mischievousness to the breaking and entering and maybe mayhem along with a few others. Because of a warrant for a traffic ticket that I'd some how forgot when the house caught on fire my choice was to leave with the dogs or go to jail. That was the day that everything changed for the worst.

I'm still waiting on a response from the county concerning the Claim Form I submitted recently. I'll be amazed if it gets approved. It would be a nice surprise if it did because it would be a step in the right directon and give me a bit of badly needed hope. It just blows my mind that they actually tore the house down. It's so ludicrous that they did and unbelievable that they got away with it...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Where's the swatter cause I found...

September 22, 2013

Time Flies...

It appears from my seat that I'm a victim of Time Flies! The weekend was gone in a flash and all I can see is how time flies with ever increasing speed right on by me. If I could find the swatter I'd smash a few of the buggers and stop their clocks so I could get more done...

Maybe its just the clock I threw out the window. Gotta slow everything down now and try to reach a few goals. One thing is I'd like to talk with the Code Enforcement Division Chief Carl Simpson, who was with the sheriff last week when dude was dumping in my yard. I could tell by the questions he was asking that he doesn't know much about what went down concerning my property. I would like to fill him in on all the gory details and get his feed back. Maybe he could fill me in on some of the why's for things like my mom's ashes getting dumped or the fake asbestos test. Since he is the Division Chief he needs to be more aware of what his Braves are doing. Like scalping my house. Or leaving all the rocks and cement on my property when they came to clean it up. Or why there is so much debris buried on the land here. Or why the Code Nazis ignore the Constitution so damned much. And how they justify tearing down a house that needed a new roof when if they would have sold it as it was it would have easily fetched enough to pay off the back taxes and all the liens along with netting me $40K or more. It sure would be a kick in the rear to hear the explanation.

Friday, September 20, 2013

With another to begin it was...

February 3, 2013

Last Winter's End...

I've been attempting for some time now to draw attention to what I've seen happen to a home owner in Sacramento county’s Arden Manor neighborhood after a fire destroyed most everything he had including over 100 years of family treasures along with his life’s work as a photographer and journalist. Not withstanding is the fact that the house was severely damaged and then torn down by code enforcement who are guilty of some very shady maneuvers along with a serious conflict of interest on the part of one officer and his wife – also his supervisor at code enforcement – and a business they have an interest in that got the contract for an unnecessary haz mat clean-up because they falsely claimed there was asbestos in the house. This man, who was five years from retirement, had planned on getting a reverse mortgage to support him in as a supplement to his social security. The economic downturn had left him unemployed and with no insurance  and even though he was slowly getting the property cleaned up and trying to line up the needed materials for rebuilding the county spent 16-months harassing him and wearing him down until they tore down his family home. It’s a crime that this happened and trying to get anyone to help has been futile.

I know a lot about this situation and the pain he’s been put through because I am that man. And if it didn't happen to me I may not believe it just hearing about it. But it is true and somehow I’m going to expose this to the world. I've been beaten down and trampled on enough and I want justice to happen before I’m forced to do something foolish when I've lost all hope. I've been maligned and slandered, accused of a number of untrue “crimes”, lied to, lied about and generally treated like the scum of the earth when what I was guilty of was being the victim of a fire. I’m left a homeless bum with no job, few clothes, a fraction of my belongings and now no chance of much of a retirement.

Fortunately there are some fantastic neighbors living around my property who have been a great help and who are cool with me staying on the property – first, in a tent and the past month or so in a used motor home I was able to acquire.

My health has suffered through all of this as I suffered a broken neck and hip when I was younger and the hip was replaced 24-years ago but now is starting to fail. And the living arrangements have aggravated my arthritis especially in the extremely cold winter nights lately. Luckily I’m single and have no children. Its just me and my English Shepherd XZ but I had to give my other dog, Shadow, up for adoption because it was just too much for me.

While this mess wouldn't have been nearly as devastating 20-years ago at 58 its extremely tough to start all over again. And I suppose that since I have kept my spirits up through it all and maintained a sense of humor – that’s my shield from the pain! – people assume I’m doing better than I am. But I’m not doing well at all and I’m so full of anger that if something doesn't happen soon to lift my spirits I may go postal. I have little left to loose and not much of a future to look forward to so… Its not a very healthy situation.

I’m behind on taxes and the property is due to be sold at auction February 25 but the letter sent by the tax assessor says they want a minimum bid of $78,500 for an empty lot in a neighborhood where houses are going for a little over $100,000 I doubt there will be many interested parties bidding on it. If they would have left the house there it would possibly sell but with the damages – mostly the roof and all the sheet rock and the stucco that needed to be replaced - $45-50,000 would be more likely.

Ten or twelve years ago downtown Sacramento City code enforcement tore a man’s house down and attorney Andrea Miller handled that and got the guy – Mario Marino I think was his name – and I had contacted her and thought she was going to take the case. But she said her law firm had a conflict of interest since they had some kind of county contract so she couldn't help me. And with no telephone and only a bicycle for transportation I’m having trouble finding someone else to take the case,

Yet I see ridiculous cases like a burglar getting shot in the commission of a crime receiving some mega amount of money for his injuries and I have to wonder what is wrong with this country?