
Thursday, August 28, 2014

I Think Miracles Really Do Happen ...

And One Just Made Me Cry...

August 28, 2014

As the summer draws closer to an end and we've experienced unusually non-hot August nights this year I think I just witnessed a real, live, bona fide miracle. Someone just made a decision to take a step in the rightest direction possible. I've sensed it was coming and prayed it be soon. But now it's here and I'm so happy I could...(to be continued...)



August 28, 2014

I want to believe what you told me today is the truth. As in the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God. Yes. There's nothing I want more than that. It's just that the little things don't tally up so well. It's mostly a feeling. A sense. A doubt that lingers. I want it to be wrong and the truth to be as you say. A simple truth is all that I need to put some bounce back in my step and some fire in my jet pack. So I'm going to accept it's true and hope soon you'll find some way to erase any doubt that it's not.