What a fucking month! It's been all over the map. I've had more things happen to me and gone from one extreme to the next and back and forth till I'm sea-sick. I've been happier than ever, sadder than ever, never sure what I'm feeling and feeling like never is here forever. And this is only the first month of the year. A year that proves we're in a drought as the signs of spring - blossoms on trees, my dog is shedding his winter coat, warming days, etc. - are all around. And we haven't had much rain at all.
Now I'm not a big fan of rain but we need it to hydrate the ground and fill the reservoirs. And sell by the cubic yard to points south along the course of the aqueduct. Everything looks like it will be another piss poor year. And there ain't shit we can do to change it. So there it is all condensed. Wish it were watered down...