November 21, 2013
Fuck Off Bastards...
I am so fed up with the rotten pieces of shit that work for Sacramento County that I'm close to extracting my revenge for the bull shit that Code Enforcement pulled when they tore my house down and they continued their harassment up to this day. And the real astonishing part is that they can get away with it with no consequences. There is no justice when county officials ignore the crimes their own members commit and won't even acknowledge my complaints. All the times I contacted Susan "Pea Brain" Peters and she won't even contact me personally to try to mediate a remedy even a politician's tainted all words and no action excuse. Code Enforcement committed numerous crimes against me and my property and the sheriff won't do squat on my behalf. A bunch of arrogant pigs is all they are.
And they continue to fuck me over now with the motor home I have on my property that I need to take parts from to use on the one I use before it gets hauled to the scrap yard. It's parked on an empty lot - empty because the fucking idiots tore the house down! - and isn't hurting anyone or anything yet the CHP, the sheriff and Code Enforcement have wasted countless time and resources writing citations and all the other crap they do because it's another way to fuck me over. That's bull shit and they know it! Well, they think that motor home is a problem... wait and see what comes next! They are going to have their filthy little hands full of surprises from this day forth.
I have so many things now planned that they will have at least 2 new things a day to deal with. They have a problem with eye sores then I will make their eyes so sore they'll go blind! They have a problem with my motor home... how about 20 of them? They don't like me staying on my property? How does Sacramento Safe Ground North sound? Those are only the simple things...
They will have so many things to deal with they will have to create a whole new department just to deal with my property. I will give them so much to deal with that the county will be screaming in anguish. I have no respect for any of them any more. Respect needs to be earned and they are not capable of the kind of work necessary to earn my respect. I will take from them all that they took from me. They will learn that there is a price to be paid for the wrong actions they took. They tore my house down and they scattered my belongings and my mother's ashes on the floor... what do you think I will do to their's?
I don't give a rat's ass any more. They destroyed my life and my future. They will hate their future...